The Limited Times

The »Tagesthemen« with Pinar Atalay

3/6/2021, 2:16:29 PM

A voice that many children know introduced the ARD “Tagesthemen” on Friday: The co-inventor of the “Sendung mit der Maus” announced the presenter - and she was not alone.

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The "Sendung mit der Maus" was a visit on Friday evening in the "Tagesthemen"


Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

The "Sendung mit der Maus" or the "Tagesthemen"?

The ARD news program started on Friday evening with an homage to the children's program, which celebrates its 50th anniversary on Sunday.

The co-inventor Armin Maiwald spoke the well-known intro of the »Tagesthemen« and introduced the moderation: »Today in the studio: Pinar Atalay and the mouse«.

Atalay spoke her introduction in Turkish.

In the case of “Sendung mit der Maus”, it is customary for the children's program to be introduced first in German, then in a foreign language.

As usual for "mouse" connoisseurs, Atalay provided the explanation: "That was Turkish," she said.

The "Laughing and Factual Stories" celebrated their television premiere on March 7, 1971.

Maiwald is one of the intellectual fathers of the show, in the SPIEGEL interview last week he said that back then there were no role models and had to experiment.

Siham El-Maimouni has been moderating the show since 2014.

As a child, she watched the program every Sunday, as she told SPIEGEL.

Icon: The mirror

hba / dpa