The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. Latest | 8 more confirmed cases of URSUS FITNESS expanded to 10 people infected

3/10/2021, 10:14:28 AM

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues. The Department of Health announced today (10th) 8 new confirmed cases, increasing to 11,129 in total. Among the new cases, 2 were imported cases and 6 were local infections, of which 3 were from the source

Social News

Written by: Zheng Qiuling, Lao Minyi, Zheng Cuibi, Yuan Shu, Deng Yinglin, Kong Fanxu, Li Enci, Chen Shuxia, Zhu Haiqi, Lin Yingxian

2021-03-10 06:00

Last update date: 2021-03-10 18:08

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues. The Department of Health announced today (10th) 8 new confirmed cases, increasing to 11,129 in total.

Among the new cases, 2 were imported cases and 6 were local infections, of which 3 were of unknown origin.

Cases without a source include the activity assistant of the Hong Kong Mental Health Association of Kwun Tong (a dormitory for the moderately mentally handicapped), a 58-year-old male guest of Block 1, Haifeng Garden, Kwai Chung, and a 27-year-old male employee working at the URSUS FITNESS in Sai Ying Pun Fitness Center.

There will be no news conference on the epidemic today.

According to the Department of Health, URSUS FITNESS has another 9 preliminary confirmed cases involving employees and customers, and is now following up to investigate whether the infection is related.

The Centre for Health Protection urges those who have visited URSUS FITNESS from March 1 to 10 to call the central hotline 2125 1111 or 2125 1122 as soon as possible.

Following Kexing vaccines, the Hong Kong government ordered the Fubitai vaccines from BioNTech and Fosun Pharma in Germany. This is the first to start vaccination for 12 priority groups in seven community vaccination centers managed by the Hospital Authority.

Among them, at the vaccination center of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park Gymnasium, a foreigner was sent to hospital for suspected discomfort after being vaccinated with Fubitai vaccine. It is understood that the victim is in stable condition.

▼See the details of the scheduled vaccination and side effects of Kexing and BioNTech in the 3 pictures▼

Fubitai Vaccine|During the trial operation period, it was recorded that nearly 100 people rejected the bottom of the government’s refusal to account for wasted injection

[18:00] Fosun Pharma/BioNTech, the second local vaccine in Hong Kong, arrived in Hong Kong at the end of last month. The government last Saturday (6th) to Tuesday (9th) "trial operation" for 4 consecutive days, Part of the priority group will be vaccinated first to familiarize themselves with the process, and the vaccinations will officially start today.

"Hong Kong 01" received news that nearly 100 people who were scheduled for vaccination this Sunday "dumped the bottom". Because the Fubitai vaccine needs to be thawed and diluted, the temporary dumping of the bottom is likely to waste some injections.

However, both the Civil Service Bureau and the Hospital Authority have refused to account for the number of injections discarded from Monday until today.

A pharmacist explained that after being thawed at room temperature and diluted to 5 servings, the Fubitai vaccine can only be stored for 6 hours. When the number of vaccinators is not a multiple of 5, the injections will be wasted.

New crown pneumonia | An old woman from Meijing Building, Ju To Kwawan, diagnosed with 203 people dead in two weeks

[15:01] The Queen Elizabeth Hospital spokesperson announced that an 86-year-old female patient with a long-term illness (case number: #10953) went to the emergency department of Queen Elizabeth Hospital on February 25 due to pneumonia. He was diagnosed and admitted to an isolation ward for treatment.

The patient's condition continued to deteriorate, and his separation has been postponed to 9:30 am today.

A total of 203 confirmed cases have died in Hong Kong so far.

Xiyingpan Ursus Fitness trainer diagnosed with 9 employees and customers initially diagnosed with pandemic

[14:15] The Department of Health announced today (10th) 8 new confirmed cases, increasing to 11,129 in total.

Among the new cases, two were imported cases, both of whom arrived in Hong Kong from the Philippines; there were six local infections, of which three were of unknown origin.

Cases without a source include the activity assistant of the Hong Kong Mental Health Association of Kwun Tong (a dormitory for the moderately mentally handicapped), a 58-year-old male guest of Block 1, Haifeng Garden, Kwai Chung, and a 27-year-old male employee working at the URSUS FITNESS in Sai Ying Pun Fitness Center.

According to the Department of Health, URSUS FITNESS located at Shops 2 to 4, G/F, 64-68 Pokfulam Road, Sai Ying Pun, has 9 more preliminary confirmed cases involving employees and customers. The Centre for Health Protection is following up to investigate whether the infection is related .

The Center for Health Protection urges those who have visited URSUS FITNESS from March 1 to 10 to call the central hotline 2125 1111 or 2125 1122 as soon as possible so that the center can conduct epidemiological investigations and contact tracing.

New Crown Vaccine | Some doctors are worried about accidents and do not recommend injections. The Medical Association urges the Hong Kong government to set guidelines for inappropriate vaccination

[12:46] After the government launched the new crown vaccination plan, there have been reports of abnormal incidents suspected to be vaccinated after Kexing vaccination in Hong Kong. A total of 3 vaccinators have died and 3 people are in critical condition.

According to the government, the initial report shows that the first two deaths have nothing to do with the new crown vaccine, and it is still difficult to dispel public doubts. The number of appointments for vaccination is on the decline.

Cai Jian, president of the Medical Association, bluntly stated that private doctors are worried about vaccination. After a series of deaths, many doctors are worried about "accidents" and advise the public not to get vaccinated.

He suggested that the Hong Kong government should refer to Singapore’s practice and formulate clinical guidelines for vaccination, so that doctors can judge whether the public is suitable for vaccination, otherwise it may affect the vaccination rate.

Fubitai Vaccine | Half a hundred people lined up at Zhongshan Memorial Hall: still picking up despite many side effects

[12:10] Fosun/BioNTech's "Fubitai" vaccine was opened today (10th) to designated priority groups of people. One of the vaccination centers is the Zhongshan Memorial Gymnasium. About 50 citizens lined up this morning.

Some members of the public pointed out that they originally planned to receive the Kexing vaccine, but "the news is one after another, shocking", saying that even if they know that Fubitai may have more side effects, they have decided to change their minds.

Some citizens were planning to go abroad to visit relatives, so they were vaccinated in advance. They frankly said that because the chair professor of the Department of Microbiology of the University of Hong Kong Yuan Guoyong was vaccinated personally, they finally decided to vaccinate Fubitai.

In addition, a foreigner suspected that he felt unwell after being vaccinated with Fubitai vaccine at the center and has now been sent to hospital.

▼On March 10, the first day of Fubitai vaccine, the situation of the Zhongshan Memorial Park Gymnasium vaccination center▼




New Crown Vaccine|Sixty-year-old Chinese and Hong Kong drivers with slightly higher blood pressure temporarily suspended vaccination: no reason to fight for life

[12:05] The new crown pneumonia vaccine is launched in Hong Kong, and there have been a series of cases of vaccinators suspected of feeling unwell and death after vaccination.

Yesterday, another 51-year-old man suffered from acute myocardial infarction and was admitted to the intensive care department after receiving an injection.

At the community vaccination center in Yuanhe Road Gymnasium, Shatin, where the vaccine was vaccinated, a large number of elderly people still showed up for injections as usual this morning (10th). This is generally considered to be an individual abnormal event, which does not impair confidence in the production of Kexing vaccines in the Mainland.

However, there are Chinese and Hong Kong drivers who are over 60 years old and have the "three highs". The doctors at the vaccine center pointed out that their blood pressure was slightly higher.

After weighing it, he finally decided to postpone the vaccination. "Some people in their 60s have had an accident. They are so shocked that they have no reason to fight for their lives."

Fubitai|Half a hundred people line up for injection in Lai Chi Kok Park Gymnasium. Citizens: Professor Yuan recommended

[11:25] Hong Kong's new crown pneumonia vaccination plan has started. Starting today (10th), citizens in the priority group can go to 7 community vaccination centers operated by the Hospital Authority to receive the Fosun/BioNTech vaccine.

A crowd of about 50 people appeared at the Lai Chi Kok Park Stadium this morning.

An airport staff member said that after the injection, the injection was "hot, like a chili pepper." When asked why he chose the reversible vaccine, he asked the reporter, "If you choose, the mainland milk powder is the foreign milk powder?" Some citizens also said that they were vaccinated. Fubitai is highly protective, "Professor Yuan Guoyong recommends it."

▼On March 10, the first day of Fubitai vaccine, the situation of the vaccination center in Lai Chi Kok Park Stadium▼

Travel with peace of mind|Xue Yongheng: Downloads equal to more than 40%, and more than 5,000 people in Hong Kong receive notification for testing

[10:00] The epidemic has not ceased, and the government stipulates that when patronizing restaurants and government premises, you must use Anxin Travel App or leave personal information.

The Secretary for Innovation and Technology Xue Yongheng revealed today (10th) that the latest cumulative download of "Travel with Peace" is equivalent to more than 40% of Hong Kong residents.

A total of more than 5,000 people have been in the same place at the same time as the confirmed person. After receiving the notification from the app, they went to the community center for free testing.

Virus Testing | Summary of "Ten Reels" in a Year, Beware of One Child Wrongly Fighting the Epidemic

[07:00] In one year of the epidemic, the government often emphasized the need to "detect early" patients through virus testing, but the testing work has been "missing". Some testers have lost citizen information, and laboratories suspected of being contaminated with "false positives" "Etc., and even more recently, due to the need to resume economic activities, the amount of testing has greatly increased. Contractors cannot cope with it and the situation has been delayed. Some patients handed in sample bottles for a few days before being diagnosed, increasing the risk of spreading drugs.

This article summarizes the "ten reels" in detection, and the authorities must take precautions, and don't let a small mistake make the fight against the epidemic fall short.

Mandatory Testing Building|Add 4 Residential Buildings and 3 Work Locations Standard Chartered Bank and Chubb Life on the list

▼A total of 4 diners diagnosed in Causeway Bay Seafood (cumulative to March 9)▼




​New Crown Vaccine | Two women beat up Bitel with increased blood pressure and rash, five people were sent to hospital after being unwell after being beaten by Kexing

[00:01] The new crown vaccination has entered the third week. The government announced last night (9th) that there were 7 cases of hospitalization on Monday (8th), of which 5 people were vaccinated with Kexing vaccine, and they experienced shortness of breath and abnormal chest. Pain, numbness of the left arm, etc., one of them felt weak and dizzy in the left hand and foot, and was hospitalized for treatment.

Two other people were vaccinated with Fosun/BioNTech's Fubitai vaccine, and their blood pressure increased and skin rashes appeared.

New Crown Vaccine|Fobitai accounted for 70% of Kexing vaccination rate dropped to 64% of 42,700 people in a single day

[00:01] The government announced the latest vaccination figures. As of 8 pm last night, in the past 24 hours, about 8,700 citizens received the first dose of Kexing vaccine. Among them, about 5,500 were vaccinated at eight community vaccination centers. 2,800 people were vaccinated at participating private doctors and clinics.

Today, the overall vaccination rate of Kexing vaccine in the eight community vaccination centers is 64%, which is 8 percentage points lower than yesterday and a new low.

So far, about 113,500 people have received the first dose of vaccine, of which about 110,500 people have been vaccinated with Kexing vaccine, and about 3,000 people have been vaccinated with Fubitai vaccine.

Yesterday's overview: New crown pneumonia·3.9 | 21 more confirmed cases, 6 more people are unwell after being vaccinated by Kexing vaccination, and one is in critical condition

Fubitai Vaccine | Pharmacist expects BioNTech to have more side effects, pay attention to the higher fever rate in the second dose

Kexing Vaccine | A 74-year-old Weng burst his blood vessel 6 days after vaccination, Xu Shuchang's feed has nothing to do with the vaccine

Kexing Vaccine | A 50-year-old male with acute myocardial infarction is in danger of entering the ICU 6 days before the injection at Yuanhe Road Gymnasium

New Crown Vaccine | The 71-year-old man who died had been vaccinated for the new disease at the injection clinic of the Sunny Medical Center

Diagnosed building restaurant|Add 10 restaurants Xiyingpan Fu Shiyun Maxim Palace, Beijing Tower, Chaojiang Spring

[00:01] The new crown pneumonia epidemic has been repeated. The Department of Health announced yesterday (9th) that 21 new cases were confirmed in a single day, of which 8 were local cases and 4 were of unknown origin. The cumulative number of cases increased to 11,121.

According to the report of the whereabouts of the confirmed cases released by the Centre for Health Protection last night, 10 restaurants have visited the confirmed cases, all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

Case No. 11118, a 49-year-old unemployed woman who visited 7 restaurants during the incubation period and the infectious period, four of which were owned by Maxim’s restaurants, including the Beijing Tower in Phase 2 of Taikoo Shing, Chaojiang Spring in Infinity Plaza on Sheung Wan and Shun Tak Center Starbucks at the Maxim Palace and Starbucks in Tsim Sha Tsui.

▼Which vaccine was injected by the four chief executives?

Causeway Bay Sea Food Seafood Steak Restaurant 4 diners confirmed that some of them belong to the famous trendy restaurant group

The person in charge of four customers at the seafood steak restaurant infected with the epidemic: If the test is negative, he hopes to resume business on Wednesday

Jinyu Inspection failed to upload the test results in time due to technical problems: extremely dissatisfied

New crown pneumonia | About 10 cases were initially diagnosed in Haifeng Garden, and residents of Haifeng Garden were infected and visited 10 restaurants

▼The epidemic has repeated social distancing measures for a week starting from March 4▼




Fubitai Vaccine | Two civil servants who are unwell after vaccination consult literature before injection: letter data

New Crown Vaccine|Successive injections after many people are unwell and sent to the hospital without fear: the government will not be foolish

New Crown Vaccine|Reopening appointments again, Fubitai did not see the vaccination center, many vaccination centers have places

Kexing Vaccine | A 50-year-old male with acute myocardial infarction is in danger of entering the ICU 6 days before the injection at Yuanhe Road Gymnasium

Jinyu Inspection failed to upload the test results in time due to technical problems: extremely dissatisfied

The person in charge of four customers at the seafood steak restaurant infected with the epidemic: If the test is negative, he hopes to resume business on Wednesday

New crown pneumonia | About 10 cases were initially diagnosed in Haifeng Garden, and residents of Haifeng Garden were infected and visited 10 restaurants

Mandatory Inspection Building | 7 new premises in Fanling Dawning View, Tung Chung Coastal Skyline require mandatory inspection

Causeway Bay Sea Food Seafood Steak Restaurant 4 diners confirmed that some of them belong to the famous trendy restaurant group

Kwun Tong Mental Health Association mentally handicapped staff diagnosed multiple times and tested negative for the virus, residents must be quarantined

Fubitai Vaccine | Pharmacist expects BioNTech to have more side effects, pay attention to the higher fever rate in the second dose

Closed area inspection | 10 people in Huayuan Building, Tsim Sha Tsui have not been inspected, a mandatory inspection order has been issued

Fubitai Vaccine | Two civil servants who are unwell after vaccination consult literature before injection: letter data

New Crown Vaccine | Kong Fanyi: It takes months to six months to compare vaccine deaths or abnormal rates


New Coronary Pneumonia, Department of Health, Center for Health Protection, Hospital Administration, New Coronary Vaccine Vaccine Vaccination, China Kexing BioNTech/Fosun Vaccine Mandatory Testing, National Testing 01 Video My Home

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