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Coronavirus disease. Live | 22 more confirmed 3 cases of passive URSUS Fitness accumulatively 17 recruits

3/11/2021, 8:47:04 AM

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong is hovering at a low level, and there is a tendency to rebound. The Department of Health announced today (10) that 22 new confirmed cases have increased to 11,151. Of the new cases, 3 were imported cases, and local infections accounted for 19

Social News

Written by: Zheng Qiuling, Lao Minyi, Yuan Shu, Zheng Cuibi, Lin Yingxian, Zhu Haiqi, Liang Huanmin, and Chen Jiahui

2021-03-11 07:00

Last update date: 2021-03-11 16:43

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong is hovering at a low level, and there is a tendency to rebound.

The Department of Health announced today (10) that 22 new confirmed cases have increased to 11,151.

Of the new cases, 3 were imported cases, 19 were local infections, and 3 of them were no source.

Among them, the Xiyingpan URSUS Fitness fitness center, which is suspected of having an outbreak, has 16 new cases confirmed today, involving 6 employees and 10 customers, a total of 17 cases.

It is understood that an elderly woman received a Kexing vaccination at the vaccination center earlier this month. The victim fainted at noon today and was sent to Kwong Wah Hospital and died. So far, 4 people in Hong Kong have died after being suspected of being vaccinated.

According to other news, the victim had an injection on March 2.

▼See the details of the scheduled vaccination and side effects of Kexing and BioNTech in the 3 pictures▼

▼The latest vaccination reminder of the Food and Health Bureau▼


Zhang Zhujun, Director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection, Department of Health,


As of midnight today, 22 new confirmed cases have been confirmed in the past 24 hours, and the cumulative number of cases has increased to 11,151 patients, aged 19 to 65, involving 11 men and 11 women.

Of the newly confirmed cases, 3 were imported cases; of the 19 local cases, 3 were without source.

Among them, the URSUS Fitness fitness center in Xiyingpan, which is suspected of having an outbreak, has newly confirmed 16 cases, involving 6 employees and 10 customers, a total of 17 cases.

20 samples taken at GYM yesterday were all negative


Xu Deyi, deputy director of the Food and Health Bureau,

said at the epidemic press conference today:

In the past week, the number of local confirmed cases was 51, of which 22 were without source and 13 were asymptomatic.

In the first two weeks of the new crown vaccination, 135,000 people have been vaccinated.

He emphasized that the current two models are certified by experts for safety and quality, and the benefits outweigh the risks. However, the public should pay attention to the vaccination requirements:

1 Anyone with a history of severe allergies or allergies to any medicines, please do not make an appointment, you should consult your family doctor first

2 If you have a chronic disease, if you are not sure whether it is suitable for vaccination, do not make an appointment. Seek advice from the attending doctor or family doctor

[16:22] It is understood that an elderly woman had been injected with Kexing vaccine at the vaccination center earlier this month. The victim fainted at noon today and was sent to Guanghua Hospital before passing away.

So far, 4 people in Hong Kong have died after being suspected of being vaccinated with the new crown vaccine. All of them have been vaccinated with Kexing vaccine.

The government's new crown vaccine clinical event evaluation expert committee, based on the preliminary autopsy report, judged that two of the deaths were not directly related to vaccination.

According to other news, the victim had an injection on March 2.

New Crown Vaccine|The Department of Health will announce vaccination guidelines. Doctors say it will slow down the efficiency of vaccination, but it is more reassuring

[15:42] New crown vaccination was launched on a large scale. Three citizens with cardiovascular diseases died after being vaccinated. Experts repeatedly called on chronically ill patients to control their condition before vaccinating, but the authorities have been reluctant to specify a stable definition.

An expert revealed yesterday that the Department of Health will publish guidelines for those who are not suitable for vaccination within a few days.

Some doctors said that most doctors will follow the guidelines, or test the bodies of unfamiliar citizens before vaccinating, but this will slow down the efficiency of vaccination. However, I believe that the guidelines can make citizens and doctors feel more at ease, frankly saying that "acupuncture has no two ends."

New crown pneumonia | Dismantling of suspected outbreak experts in fitness room 3 high-risk industry emphasizes that epidemic prevention

[15:11] URSUS Fitness in Xiyingpan Fitness Center is suspected of an outbreak. A total of 10 people have been diagnosed or initially diagnosed.

Respiratory specialist Liang Zichao analyzed today (11th) that there are three high-risk factors in fitness rooms, including hand-touched fitness equipment, shared facilities including lockers, and the virus can be transmitted through the air.

He suggested that the public should clean their fitness equipment with alcohol before using it, and wash their hands or use alcohol-based handrub after use; they can also wrap their personal belongings in a plastic bag before putting them in the locker.

A representative of the fitness industry responded that since the epidemic, guests have been required to clean their fitness equipment after using them. A large amount of disinfectant spray has also been placed in the fitness center for guests to use.

He asked again, "The government has not shut down, and there has been no group in the fitness industry. As soon as the family appears, it will immediately become high-risk?"

Mandatory Testing|Compulsory Inspection of the Fourth School in Tin Shui Wai, Parents Taken the Test: There are too many suspensions and no progress can be said

[13:28] The new pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues. There are four schools in Tin Shui Wai. As sewage samples continue to be positive, teachers, students and visitors must complete testing before Friday (12th).

The four schools are the Cumberland Presbyterian Yiu Dao Primary School, the Chinese YMCA Primary School, the Chinese YMCA Secondary School and the Tin Shui Wai Methodist Secondary School next to Tin Fu Court in Tin Shui Wai.

Some parents think that compulsory testing can ensure safety, and they also take the test at school.

She said that her daughter who was in Primary Six had to be admitted to the middle exam at the end of this month, and she was suspended again for a few days after class was resumed for fear of affecting her daughter's study.

Another parent of Primary Five students said that in the past one or two years, classes have been suspended many times, "There will be no progress!"

Compulsory Testing|More than 3,000 teachers and students from the Fourth School of Tin Shui Wai, Tian Fu Yuan, are required to undergo compulsory testing.

"Hong Kong 01" inquired from four schools, and all of them suspended face-to-face instruction for two days to arrange for teachers and students to return to school for testing. It is estimated that there will be more than 3,000 people.

Some schools stated that if all teachers and students test negative, face-to-face instruction can be resumed as soon as Monday.

▼On March 11, the forced inspection of teachers, students and teachers in 4 schools near Tin Fu Court in Tin Shui Wai▼




Fubitai|I hope to clear customs and travel to Japan after vaccination

[13:15] Hong Kong's new crown pneumonia vaccination plan has started. Starting yesterday (10th), citizens of the priority group can go to 7 community vaccination centers operated by the Hospital Authority to receive the Fosun/BioNTech vaccine.

Today (11th) is the second day of Fubitai vaccination. On average, more than 20 citizens enter and leave the Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre every half an hour this morning.

Many citizens who came to get the injection said that it was mainly for protecting their health and hoping to travel as soon as possible. Some citizens said, "I am a PhD in the United States, researching genes, and I can help you." He also pointed out that many places have chosen to use Fubitai vaccine, thinking that more places have approved it and feel more at ease. "Israel has to go to the United States to buy injections. In fact, the effect is really good after they are finished."

[13:03] According to the news, there are more than 20 confirmed cases today.

Fitness room explosion risk Gao Liang Zichao: one inspection on the 14th or the spread of several generations should be one inspection on the 7th

[12:23] URSUS Fitness in Xiyingpan Fitness Center broke out, and a total of 10 people were recruited.

Respiratory specialist Liang Zichao said today (11th) that breathing is more rapid during exercise, virus emissions will be higher, and indoor air will not circulate, which may trigger the outbreak of the epidemic. However, the current practice of testing only 14 days apart is too far apart. Over time, there may be several generations of infection. It is recommended that the authorities should shorten it to "one inspection on 7 days."

Kexing Vaccine|47-year-old male officer Yong suspected of dizziness after vaccination and sent to hospital

[12:12] Guo Baoxian, medical director of the Guanyong Gymnasium Community Vaccination Center, told "Hong Kong 01" that at about 9:45 this morning, a 47-year-old man was sent to the hospital due to dizziness more than 10 minutes after receiving the Kexing vaccine.

The citizen pointed out to the vaccination center that he had no history of illness. When the vaccination center measured his blood pressure and blood sugar, the index was normal.

The victim was escorted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital accompanied by staff of the center.

The Kwun Chung Vaccination Center later added that it was reported that the man had no chronic illnesses, but had a record of "needle fainting". He was awake before being sent to the hospital and his life-sustaining index was normal.

Compulsory Testing | A total of RMB 55,000 fined for 11 people in Cheong Yuen Building, Sham Shui Po without testing

[11:32] Changyuan Building on Qin Chow Street, Sham Shui Po was included in the list of mandatory building inspections earlier. The government conducted a surprise inspection this morning (11th) and found that 11 of the 250 people in Changyuan Building had not been tested on time. A mandatory inspection order was issued and a fixed fine of 5,000 yuan was issued.

The authorities also emphasized that if the person involved refuses to comply with the mandatory prosecution order, he may be fined another 25,000 yuan and imprisoned for 6 months.

The Sham Shui Po Cheong Yuen Building was included in the mandatory inspection earlier.

(Google Map screenshot)

New Crown Vaccine | Western Medicine: More than half of the people get an injection without injection Liang Zichao: Psychological pressure increases stroke crisis

[10:41] The new crown pneumonia vaccine has been launched for nearly half a month, and there have been 3 deaths after vaccination, and many people have been hospitalized after vaccination. The society is panicked about vaccination.

Chen Peiguangjin, chairman of the Epidemiology Committee of the Western Medical Union (11th), said that about half of the people in his clinics who make appointments for vaccination "have the bottom".

He confessed that if someone dies after being vaccinated in a clinic, private doctors will have "a few troubles" and society may blame the doctor. However, the government also requires clinics to sign a contract and will not impose a surcharge on the vaccination. The vaccinators diagnose their physical condition.

Respiratory specialist Liang Zichao pointed out that it is a serious mistake to say that chronically ill and elderly people are not suitable for vaccination. He emphasized that there is no data showing that inactivated vaccines can cause heart disease or stroke. He also pointed to the flu inactivation that has been used for many years Vaccines can even reduce the risks in this regard. People are urged to treat it with peace of mind.

▼Fobitai vaccination on the first day of March 10▼




New crown pneumonia | Experts say it is not safe to relax the epidemic prevention measures, and it is expected to be cleared in two months

[08:00] The new crown pneumonia epidemic continues. The number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong has fluctuated around ten in recent days, but there was also a dark surge. Yesterday (10th) there was a sudden outbreak of the fitness center "Ursus Fitness" group. A total of 10 employees and customers were infected. .

Anti-epidemic regulations such as the four-person gathering restriction and evening meals in restaurants will expire at midnight next Wednesday. Is there any room for relaxation?

Some experts believe that the current relaxation may not be safe, and it is estimated that the relaxation may not be possible.

As for when Hong Kong will be able to achieve "zeroing", some experts frankly said that it may only reach one or two cases a day after a month, and "zeroing" is more likely to occur after two months.

Confirmed restaurant building | 7 additional restaurants Xiyun Yile Restaurant, Metroplaza Man Wah Ice Room on the list

[00:01] The new crown pneumonia epidemic has been repeated. The Department of Health announced yesterday (10th) that there were 8 new confirmed cases in a single day, 6 of which were local cases, of which 3 were of unknown origin. The cumulative number of cases increased to 11,129.

According to the report of the whereabouts of the confirmed cases published by the Centre for Health Protection in the evening, 7 restaurants had visited the confirmed cases.

The 58-year-old man with case number 11128 visited 6 restaurants during the incubation period and the infectious period, including Yidong Restaurant in Yau Tsim Mong, Yi Le Restaurant in Sham Shui Po, and Tai Hua Canteen.

Yesterday's overview: new coronary pneumonia.

3.10|8 more cases of confirmed diagnosis, 3 people beat Kexing, 4 people vaccinated with Fubitai unwell

New Crown Vaccine | Seven people admitted to the hospital after being vaccinated with Fubitai and Kexing vaccinated all have swelling

Kexing Vaccine | 71-year-old male deceased was autopsied this afternoon, suspected of having died of severe coronary heart disease

New Crown Vaccine|Chen Zhaoshi clarifies that intramuscular injection does not need to pass through blood vessels and will not cause heart disease

Fubitai Vaccine | Carrie Lam inspects the vaccination situation of the vaccine center and appeals to the public to "rest assured"

Fubitai Vaccine | Macau's first serious incident with chest pain 5 days after vaccination

▼Full list of 29 vaccination centers on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories and Outlying Islands▼

Xiyingpan Ursus Fitness trainer diagnosed with 9 employees and customers initially diagnosed with pandemic

Seven Ursus Fitness employees all diagnosed experts: the fitness room gathers all high-risk factors

Ursus Fitness, Sai Ying Pun, suspected of the outbreak of the epidemic

Mandatory Testing Building | 7 additional sites in Tin Shui Wai 4 Primary and Secondary School Sewage Samples Tested Positive Teachers and Students Must Be Forced to Test

Vaccination|The Education Bureau sends a letter to all schools in Hong Kong, urging teachers and staff to vaccinate 20 people to make an appointment

Fubitai Vaccine|During the trial operation period, it was recorded that nearly 100 people rejected the bottom of the government’s refusal to account for wasted injection

Fubitai Vaccine | Half a hundred people lined up at Zhongshan Memorial Hall: still picking up despite many side effects

New Crown Vaccine|Sixty-year-old Chinese and Hong Kong drivers with slightly higher blood pressure temporarily suspended vaccination: no reason to fight for life

▼Fobitai vaccination on the first day of March 10▼




▼The epidemic has repeated social distancing measures for two weeks starting from March 4▼




New crown pneumonia | Experts say it is not safe to relax the epidemic prevention measures, and it is expected to be cleared in two months

Fubitai Vaccine | Carrie Lam inspects the vaccination situation of the vaccine center and appeals to the public to "rest assured"

Seven Ursus Fitness employees all diagnosed experts: the fitness room gathers all high-risk factors

Mandatory Testing Building | 7 additional sites in Tin Shui Wai 4 Primary and Secondary School Sewage Samples Tested Positive Teachers and Students Must Be Forced to Test

Confirmed restaurant building | 7 additional restaurants Xiyun Yile Restaurant, Metroplaza Man Wah Ice Room on the list

Haidian Seafood Steak Restaurant reopened after one day closed. Manager: Just learned that no employee was diagnosed

Vaccination|The Education Bureau sends a letter to all schools in Hong Kong, urging teachers and staff to vaccinate 20 people to make an appointment

New crown pneumonia | HKU research finds that a combination of malaria, flu and pancreatitis drugs can suppress the virus

Fubitai Vaccine|During the trial operation period, it was recorded that nearly 100 people rejected the bottom of the government’s refusal to account for wasted injection

New Crown Vaccine | Some doctors are worried about accidents and do not recommend injections. The Medical Association urges the Hong Kong government to set guidelines for inappropriate vaccination

Fubitai Vaccine | Half a hundred people lined up at Zhongshan Memorial Hall: still picking up despite many side effects

New Crown Vaccine|Sixty-year-old Chinese and Hong Kong drivers with slightly high blood pressure temporarily suspended vaccination: no reason

Employer refuses to accept the infection of the engineer and the employer refuses to compensate for the infection on the construction site


New Crown Pneumonia Health Protection Center Vaccine Vaccination China Kexing BioNTech/Fosun Vaccine New Crown Vaccine Mandatory Testing National Testing 01 Video My Home

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