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In Miami go out against Myers Leonard, the actor who said "Jew" | Israel today

3/11/2021, 12:22:24 PM

Coach Eric Spolstra and captain Judonis Islam refrain from saying Myers Leonard • Edelman invited him to Shabbat dinner | World Basketball

Hit coach Eric Spolstra commented on the player's antisemitic statement: "Words have consequences. No matter what they mean - it's just wrong" • Captain Judonis Islam added: "We will not be tolerant"

  • Leonard.

    Looks like he'll have to look for a new group



Myers Leonard Storm, a Miami Heat player who has been documented using the offensive phrase "Kike" during a video game, continues to draw reactions in the NBA and the United States in general.

Miami coach Eric Spolstra and veteran team captain Judonis Islam addressed the antisemitic incident as they completely disregard Leonard's act.

"His statement was offensive and very unpleasant," the coach said, "and we were left with its consequences."

Leonard's documentation says the curse was circulated on social media on Tuesday and within hours he was forced to apologize for the harsh statement.

The NBA opened an investigation, and the Heat announced the player's immediate suspension from all team activity.

Leonard has in any case ended the season due to a shoulder injury, but it is not unreasonable to assume that Miami will part with him due to the incident, the American media say.

"There are implications for words, and those were extremely offensive words," Spolstra added.

"No matter the intent, it's just wrong."

Veteran Miami captain Judonis Islam also commented on the incident: "We can not be tolerant of this here. True is true, and false is not true. As long as I am in this organization and beyond, we always want to be on the right side of everything, especially In such cases. "

Islam added: "I have not heard him use such words in the past or in language that has made me uncomfortable."

The New England Patriots' Jewish football player, Julian Edelman, posted a public letter to Leonard on social media in which he invited the basketball player to a Saturday dinner.

"My feeling is that you did not use this word out of hatred but out of ignorance," Edelman wrote, "I probably did not try to offend anyone or the Jews in general in your statement. In fact, it is so destructive. When someone intends to be full of hatred it is usually "It gets a lot of resistance. It's harder to fight such occasional ignorance and harder to get to, especially when you have a lot of influence."

An open letter to @MeyersLeonard

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