The Limited Times

Joachim Löw on resignation and EM: "I didn't see myself as a coach anymore"

3/11/2021, 2:13:42 PM

The 0: 6 clap against Spain has nothing to do with his announced resignation, says national coach Joachim Löw - more the outlook for the home European Championship in 2024. Oliver Bierhoff commented on the search for a successor.

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Joachim Löw

Photo: Pius Koller / imago images

National coach Joachim Löw has spoken in detail for the first time after his announced resignation.

At a press conference, he explained the reasons for his decision. This had nothing to do with the criticism and focus on himself after the 6-0 debacle against Spain last year.

“I didn't make the decision in November or December, but two or three weeks ago.

The 0: 6 was a setback that disappointed everyone.

But we were actually on the right track, ”said Loew.

With a view to the European Championship tournament in Germany in 2024, he asked himself where he would stand then.

"I didn't see myself as a coach anymore," said Loew.

It is therefore the right time for Löw to pass on the baton after the upcoming EM.

It takes a new coach not just one and a half or two, but rather three years to prepare a tournament.

Löw defended the decision to make a radical change: »I think that was absolutely important.

This generation will reach its peak in 2024. «

Bierhoff "not struck like lightning"

Löw has no concrete plans for the future, but is concentrating on the EM in the summer.

He also commented on the question of whether he could bring back the sorted out players Mats Hummels, Jérôme Boateng and Thomas Müller, evasively: "I neither opened the door nor closed the door." You always have to question everything.

DFB sports director Oliver Bierhoff, whom Löw first informed, said that the resignation had "not hit him like a bolt of lightning."

"If you know someone so well, then you also know what is going on in them." He emphasized the trusting and open cooperation with Löw.

He kept a low profile when looking for a successor.

It is not that he only thought about it from that moment on.

"Over the years I have always held talks and made contacts," said Bierhoff: "We have good coaches in Germany, abroad and at the DFB."

Bierhoff does not want to comment on candidates or submit »intermediate status reports«.

When asked whether he could also imagine a woman, Bierhoff said: “I would never rule out anything.

You can continue to speculate. ”A little later, however, he ruled out something: he was not planning to hire a foreign coach.

Icon: The mirror
