The Limited Times

"The Voice": Marvin, ex-rugby player, expects to "confuse a few"

3/13/2021, 10:58:42 AM

Marvin, 29, will try the blind auditions of the famous TF1 show this Saturday. His particularity: he played rugby at one level

Marvin Roth, a former professional rugby player, could have dreamed of setting foot on Twickenham's lawn this Saturday afternoon to face England with the Blues.

But if he will not play rugby this weekend, he will still be on television… to sing in front of four red armchairs.

At 29 years old, Marvin participates in the program "The Voice", the tele-hook of TF1 in search of the most beautiful voice.

A funny early retraining that he told us about.

Born into a family of artists, in Nice, Marvin has always been immersed in the world of music.

But he will quickly discover another passion: the oval ball.

Trained as a child in Nice, he joined the Aix-en-Provence training center at the age of 17.

It was there that he quickly turned professional and played between Pro D2 and Fédérale 1 for four years.

Two seasons in pro

After an express return to Nice, he replayed two seasons as a pro at Bourgoin-Jallieu (Isère), a legendary club which notably saw the young Sébastien Chabal and Morgan Parra pass.

Yet after two seasons there, Marvin chooses to end his career.

“My agent didn't understand.

For a year, he continued to send me messages, club proposals… ”He barely resumed a little service last season, but as an amateur“ to be of service to a friend and give advice ” with the Domont club (Federal 2), in Val-d'Oise.

Before being stopped again because of Covid.

"I could still have had good years in rugby," said this stocky third line of 1.85 m, with the profile of a tackler-scraper of balls.

So, why did you choose to stop his professional career, at only 27 years old?

“The passion for music was stronger,” explains this adopted Parisian.

And I thought if I didn't take my chances now, I never would.

I had already had contact with the show

The Voice

, a few years ago, but I had privileged rugby.

I didn't want to regret.


"Obviously" for his family

From the fierce engagement on a pitch to the sensitivity of a voice on a stage, the difference seems huge.

How was this complete change of orientation perceived by those around him?

“In my family, it was obvious, we were not surprised by my choice, we understood that it was good for me.

They've seen me struggle a lot in rugby, ”explains Marvin.

For his rugby pals and former teammates, on the other hand, apart from a few in confidence, “it will disconcert more than one, they will not understand what is happening.

I expect to have quite a few messages, ”smiles Marvin.

In the clubs where he went, we knew he was a bit of a musician, nothing more.

“I would sometimes pick up the guitar in the third half and sing a little bit, to set the mood.

But I wasn't really using my voice, it was to sing together.


His former teammates will therefore be able to discover Marvin's secrets this Saturday evening on TF1.

If he does not have the right to say what he will sing, nor if the coaches (Marc Lavoine, Vianney, Amel Bent and Florent Pagny) will turn around, he does not regret his choice to have left rugby .

“Whatever happens, I'm very happy!
