The Limited Times

Boxing: Maïva Hamadouche, champion committed against domestic violence

3/13/2021, 6:55:25 PM

Maïva Hamadouche, six-time IBF boxing world champion, met Marlène Schiappa during the 109 “Mariannes” exhibition this Saturday, at the

This Saturday, Maïva Hamadouche was neither in a boxing ring, nor in her police uniform.

At 2:30 p.m. on the Esplanade du Panthéon, a completely different program awaited him: a meeting with Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, to explain to him his commitment to victims of domestic violence.

For two months, the six-time world champion launched her project by providing boxing lessons in associations welcoming victims of domestic violence.

“This meeting is a great opportunity, it allows us to put things in place and move forward,” explained Maïva Hamadouche.

Surrounded by young students from Bondy and Mureaux who came for the exhibition of 109 “Mariannes”, the champion was able to present her approach while sharing her sports experience with young people.

This meeting allowed Maïva Hamadouche to discuss with young people./LP/AT  

If Maïva Hamadouche is preparing the Olympic qualifying tournament, which will take place in Villebon-sur-Yvette (Essonne) from June 4 to 8, to win her ticket for the Tokyo Olympics, she does not forget to grow this project which close to his heart.

And this exchange with the Minister represented a great opportunity.

This Saturday, between two photos, the high-level sportswoman was able to explain her commitment.

“I would like to nationalize this project and expand it,” she explained.

Support victims beyond the judicial process

An approach that immediately pleased Marlène Schiappa, decided to support the initiative.

“We are going to look at how to support his project.

This support for victims, allowing them to rebuild themselves by regaining confidence in their bodies thanks to boxing, is a very good project, the minister confided.

Often, women engaged in combat sports confidently walk in life and on the streets.

It does not necessarily mean that they use what they have learned in their sport but it gives them confidence and a strong posture.


“Many causes are close to my heart but I have been very touched lately by the too many feminicides, explains Maïva Hamadouche.

I have long sought a link between my job as a police officer and boxing.

This initiative to support victims through sport and offer them follow-up is really something that is close to my heart.


For her project, the young woman also uses her policewoman's gaze.

“Today, there are many training courses on how to welcome victims, but afterwards, the work of the police often stops at the judiciary.

My objective would be to support these victims beyond the judicial process.

Maïva Hamadouche therefore left the forecourt of the Pantheon full of optimism for the future.

In four months, another challenge awaits him: putting on his gloves to get an Olympic qualification.

But if the Games are a dream, it is also an opportunity to give scale to his project.

“Winning is good, doing it for a cause is even better” she assures us.