The Limited Times

“What did masks have to do with?” Mockery for the CDU crash in state elections

3/14/2021, 9:34:32 PM

Malice for the Union after a bad election result: In two former home countries things are going downhill after the mask affair - the SPD is optimistic about the general election.

Malice for the Union after a bad election result: In two former home countries things are going downhill after the mask affair - the SPD is optimistic about the general election.

"Not only is it not a good evening for the CDU, the next few weeks will not be any easier," says the publicist Michel Friedmann on Welt-TV, somewhat patronizingly towards the Union.

Both in the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate and in the election in Baden-Württemberg *, the CDU achieved a historically poor result.

And for that it hails malice - on the net, in ARD and ZDF, from the SPD and the FDP.

Also noticeable: both countries were once considered home countries for the Union.

The Infratest-Dimap curve for the CDU * shows that the party lost 2 percent in both countries last week.

So the question smoldering in the background: Is it because of the so-called mask affair that the Union * is doing badly?

Because many postal voters had already voted at the end of February, the damage could have been curbed, according to the ARD.

ZDF speaks of a "disaster" for the Union.

After the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate: Has the mask affair harmed the Union?

“What was the cause of masks?” Asks the ZDF heute-show smugly on Twitter - alluding to the mask affair.

The CDU is clearly losing votes in both elections.

What was the cause of the masks? # Landtagswahl2021

- ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) March 14, 2021

The SPD is already daring to rejoice: “Majorities outside the Union are possible,” tweeted Kevin Kühnert, the SPD's deputy chairman - and Lars Klingbeil, the SPD * general secretary, had also said something.

“The weak results for the CDU are not only due to the mask affair.

They are a rejection of the poor government management in vaccination, testing and bridging aid, ”tweeted the parliamentary manager of the Free Democrats, Marco Buschmann.

Another user posts election posters for the CDU - for example, promising to better appreciate the work of caregivers - and gives them laughing emojis.

The spicy thing: the user is a nurse himself.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https: //

- Alexander Jorde (@alexander_jorde) March 14, 2021

An account with a picture from the Tagesschau 40 years ago recalls the great days of the CDU: In spring 1996, the CDU had won over 40 percent in both Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate:

[3/24/96] The CDU is happy about the 40 percent results in state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate.

- Tagesschau20Jahre (@ TagesschauVor20) March 14, 2021

“In a downright fit of anger, the voters of the CDU brought a historical debacle to their former home countries.

But the sovereign's anger could even increase in the super-election year.

When he notices that there is nobody in the Union who wants to receive the package, ”writes

Münchner Merkur

in a comment on the elections *.

CDU malice after the result of the state elections - the reactions from the CDU

A CDU voter posts: “I used

to vote for the


out of conviction.

Today and in the future I will vote for you out of pity. ”Another user brings the mask affair and the election result together on Twitter with a malicious undertone:“ Following their moral ideas about corruption and the measures to protect against infection, the CDU is now also loosening its election results. ”

“It was said that the next CDU chief would most likely become chancellor.

This feeling was poison for democracy, "commented a journalist - and accused the CDU of arrogance.

CDU top candidate Susanne Eisenmann in Baden-Württemberg wants to take full responsibility for the defeat.

"It's a bitter evening for us, we wanted a better result," said Christian Baldauf (CDU), top candidate from Rhineland-Palatinate on Sunday evening in Mainz.


The election is also seen as a mood test for the CDU's possible candidate for chancellor, Armin Laschet *.

He wants to give a press conference with the two top candidates on Monday, at which he will analyze the result.

(kat) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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