The Limited Times

American recovery plan: a big envelope for the States which divides

3/14/2021, 10:46:32 PM

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are accused of favoring “blue” states. Washington correspondent No Republican congressman, neither in the Senate nor in the House of Representatives, has voted for the American Rescue Plan Act. Of all the provisions of the 628-page text, the most intolerable in their eyes are the $ 350 billion in credits to states and local communities. Read also: How the Biden plan and its gigantic stimulus will boost the global recovery Two major

Washington correspondent

No Republican congressman, neither in the Senate nor in the House of Representatives, has voted for the American Rescue Plan Act.

Of all the provisions of the 628-page text, the most intolerable in their eyes are the $ 350 billion in credits to states and local communities.

Read also:

How the Biden plan and its gigantic stimulus will boost the global recovery

Two major criticisms are addressed to these massive sums promised to the States.

The first: the latter do not need it because their tax revenues on the whole have been much less affected than they thought six months ago.

Second reproach: these funds will go disproportionately to support largely democratic states and metropolises, poorly managed, where powerful unions, finance the party of Joe Biden.

States are more affected than others: especially those dependent on receipts, in decline, related to the oil sector, like Alaska, Texas or tourism like Hawaii and Florida

On the first point, the argument is fair enough: 43 states and the District of Columbia, the federal capital, have published their accounts for the 2020 calendar year. However, their revenues are collectively up by $ 3.2 billion.

Several explanations

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