The Limited Times

Rare threesome: that's behind the traffic light coalition

3/14/2021, 10:04:32 PM

After the state elections in 2021, one thing is certain: A traffic light coalition is still possible in Rhineland-Palatinate and cannot be ruled out in Baden-Württemberg either. But what does this special coalition mean?

After the state elections in 2021, one thing is certain: A traffic light coalition is still possible in Rhineland-Palatinate and cannot be ruled out in Baden-Württemberg either.

But what does this special coalition mean?

Munich - After the recent state elections, it is now clear: Prime Minister Malu Dreyer's traffic light coalition can continue to rule in Rhineland-Palatinate.

In Baden-Württemberg, too, this coalition for Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann is not entirely ruled out.

But what exactly is behind this traffic light coalition?

An overview.

Traffic light coalitions in the government: A rare amalgamation of three parties

In Germany, the term “traffic light coalition” usually means a ruling coalition made up of the SPD, FDP and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen.

A look at a traffic light shows: The traditional colors of these parties (red-yellow-green) together make up the three colors of the traffic light system.

At the federal level, however, such a constellation has never come about.

These three-way alliances are also rather rare at the municipal level.

For the first time, the then SPD Prime Minister Manfred Stolpe forged a coalition with Liberals and Bündnis 90 in Brandenburg in 1990, which later joined forces with the Greens.

In March 1994, however, this government dissolved prematurely.

Traffic light coalitions after an election: Often unsuccessful - for one simple reason

Under Mayor Klaus Wedemeier (SPD) in 1991 there was also a red-yellow-green alliance in Bremen - but this too failed in 1995. Attempts to form a traffic light coalition in other federal states were repeatedly unsuccessful.

Because this coalition is often not easy to forge - and then all the more difficult to maintain.

The reason for this is easy to explain: The FDP and the Greens have quite opposing positions in many political fields.

However, Rhineland-Palatinate is an exception: SPD Prime Minister Malu Dreyer has been ruling there since May 2016 in the aforementioned triple constellation.

Dreyer sees her election victory and the traffic light coalition with the Greens and FDP even as a lesson for other constellations.

Traffic light coalition: triple constellation has ruled in Rhineland-Palatinate since 2016

“In Rhineland-Palatinate, the traffic lights ruled very well, as the citizens underlined with this election result.

Why shouldn't the federal government look at it? ”Said Dreyer on Sunday evening in the ARD“ Tagesschau ”.

All important information about the state elections in 2021 is available in the election ticker for Baden-Württemberg * and in the election ticker for Rhineland-Palatinate *.

* / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA (kof)