The Limited Times

Paris: six injured in a fire on the Île de la Cité

3/17/2021, 7:10:28 PM

The incident allegedly occurred in the kitchen of an apartment on the second floor of an old building.

“When we arrived around 9:15 am, black rollers of smoke were coming out of the facade and from the stairwell.

A woman in her thirties threatened to throw herself from the third floor.

We brought her down using our two ladders and she is safe and sound.


This Wednesday morning, nearly a hundred firefighters from Paris were mobilized on rue du Cloître-Notre-Dame (4th), which runs along the northern flank of the cathedral, on the Île de la Cité.

A violent fire broke out in an apartment, courtyard side, on the 2nd floor of an old building which has 4.

🚨 #Intervention in Paris IV.

The emergency services are alerted for a violent apartment fire.

It will take less than 2 hours for the firefighters to come to the end of the disaster.

Result: 6 injured including 2 serious.

- @PompiersParis (@PompiersParis) March 17, 2021

“When I opened my window onto the street, around 9:30 am,” says a resident of 14, rue du Cloître-Notre-Dame, “I saw many firefighters entering the courtyard of the building.

This trader who works in this part of the Ile de la Cité devastated since the fire of Notre-Dame two years ago, was not bothered by the fire since his apartment overlooks the street.

An imposing security perimeter has been established by the police.

The officials evacuated a hundred residents of three buildings, at numbers 14, 16 and 20, as well as students from the private institute for preparation for higher studies.

And gathered them outside, on the forecourt side of the Hôtel-Dieu.

The restaurant "L'ombre de Notre-Dame" served as a first aid station.

The firefighters have established a command post on rue d'Arcole and quai aux Fleurs.

BSPP / E.Thepault  

It took two hours and three spears to come to terms with the disaster.

At midday, the results of the firefighters and the Samu showed six injured.

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A man living on the 4th floor and a woman on the 3rd, poisoned by smoke, were hospitalized in absolute urgency at Cochin (14th) and Saint-Louis (10th) hospitals.

"One of the victims was in cardio-respiratory arrest," indicates a police source.

Four other victims, including a man and a woman from the 2nd floor, were directed, in relative urgency, to the Lariboisière hospital (Xe).

BSPP / E.Thepault  

According to the first analyzes of the technicians of the central laboratory of the prefecture of police, mobilized on the site, the fire would have started from the hood of a kitchen, on the 2nd floor of a duplex.

The architect of the police headquarters, also mobilized, inspected the buildings and condemned two apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors, declared uninhabitable.

However, no relocation was put in place by the town hall, whose deputy was present, residents having fallback solutions with relatives.

The police investigation was entrusted to the police station of the center.