The Limited Times

6 Nations: France and Wales neck-to-neck at half-time

3/20/2021, 8:58:30 PM

How tight! At half-time, French and Welsh neutralize each other 17-17 on the lawn of the Stade de France. France attacked this match well by scoring the first try (Taofifenua, 5th). The Welsh then dominated the second part of this first half and the break will relieve ...

How tight!

At half-time, French and Welsh neutralize each other 17-17 on the lawn of the Stade de France.

France attacked this match well by scoring the first try (Taofifenua, 5th).

The Welsh then dominated the second part of this first half and the break will relieve the Blues under pressure.

All scenarios therefore remain possible: the XV of France can still win the Six Nations Tournament, just as the XV of Le Poireau can still do the grand slam and be crowned this Saturday.  

Read also

  • Six Nations: France-Wales live

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