The Limited Times

XV of France: two suspension matches for Willemse who is doing well

3/23/2021, 9:43:37 PM

The second line of Montpellier, sent off against Wales for a suspicion of a “fork”, only received two suspension matches. It will therefore miss that of Friday against Scotland. 

The second line Paul Willemse, excluded in the victory of Wales (32-30) for a clearing at the level of the neck and a hand in the face of the Welsh left pillar Wyn Jones, was suspended for two weeks by the commission of discipline of the Six Nations Tournament.

He will miss Friday's game (9 p.m.) against Scotland and the knockout stage of his club Montpellier against Glasgow the following week.


 XV of France: Le Roux and Taofifenua associated against Scotland?

At the end of the spectacular victory against the XV du Leek, the coach of the Blues, Fabien Galthié, called for leniency.

“I think he doesn't deserve a heavy penalty, I think he deserves leniency.

When you look at the pictures, for me, there is no contact.

Or else, it is minimal and above all, not voluntary, ”he declared.

The disciplinary committee heard this point of view.

At the announcement of the verdict, Raphaël Ibañez, manager of the XV of France, said in a statement: “The Commission recognized that his gesture was reckless but unintentional.

We would like to thank all the members of the Disciplinary Commission for their fair and appropriate decision. ”

"It was an accident.

He thought it was the other player's shoulder, unfortunately it was a bit misplaced.

He told me he hardly slept last night (Monday).

He has a lump in his stomach "

Bernard Le Roux

Tuesday afternoon, pending deliberation, Bernard Le Roux, his usual partner in the second line, had mentioned the case of Paul Willemse.

"It was an accident.

He thought it was the other player's shoulder, unfortunately it was a bit misplaced.

He told me he hardly slept last night (Monday).

He has a lump in his stomach.

I am disappointed for him and I hope it will go well, ”commented Le Roux.

Against Scotland on Friday (9 p.m.), a decisive match to win the Tournament, Fabien Galthié and his staff could line up in the "cage" Bernard Le Roux, back from injury (elongation in the thigh), and Romain Taofifenua, who had been Hit in the knee against Wales but have resumed training this week.

Another option: establish the promising Toulonnais Swan Rebbadj, author on Saturday of a remarkable entry against the XV of Leek, replacing Taofifenua.

Answer this Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.

Read also

  • Bernard Le Roux: "First beat Scotland and maybe go for victory in the Tournament"