The Limited Times

Legislative in Israel: Netanyahu in first place, according to exit polls

3/23/2021, 8:31:50 PM

The prime minister's Likud party would have obtained between 31 and 33 seats out of 120 in the Knesset, according to polls published by Israeli channels.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's Likud party finished first in Tuesday's parliamentary elections, with no guarantee of winning a majority of seats to form the next government, according to exit polls.

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According to these polls by Israeli channels, Benyamin Netanyahu's troops would have obtained between 31 and 33 seats out of the 120 in the Knesset (Parliament), followed by the Yesh Atid ("

There is a future

") party of centrist Yair Lapid. credited with 16 to 18 seats.

Polling stations for the fourth parliamentary elections in less than two years closed Tuesday evening in Israel, in accordance with the rules of the electoral commission.

The poll, in which the outgoing prime minister played his survival, recorded a turnout of 60.9% at 8 p.m., almost five percentage points lower than the March 2020 elections at the same time, according to the Commission.