The Limited Times

Spring break creates new worries

3/23/2021, 11:28:32 PM

In the middle of spring break, experts worry that the rapid spread of COVID-19 will give it more opportunities to mutate.

Police enforce curfew in Miami Beach 2:52

(CNN) -

Public health officials watch in horror as millions of people flock to beaches and ski resorts during spring break in the U.S. Yes, the number of people who have already been vaccinated is growing steadily in the United States. .

However, at this time it is essential to redouble efforts to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, experts say.

That means staying home, wearing a mask, and avoiding crowds.

  • A person can develop covid-19 after they have completed their vaccination.

    This is the reason

Doctors are concerned that since not enough people are protected against COVID-19 yet - only about 13.5% of the US population is fully vaccinated - the virus will continue to spread rapidly.

That will give you more opportunities to mutate and therefore increase the risk of a new variant emerging that could make the vaccine less effective.

Public health officials urge Americans to delay travel, but people are hitting the roads anyway.

The Transportation Security Administration monitored more than 1.5 million people at airports across the country on Sunday.

This is a new record since the pandemic began and the 11th consecutive day that it controls more than a million people.

Meanwhile, some states continue to lift restrictions, even as the number of cases remains high.

CDC Director Warns of "Another Avoidable Rise" in Covid-19 Cases

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, said the White House is urging governors, as well as the private sector, to maintain or reimpose coronavirus restrictions.

"We must act now and I am concerned that if we do not take the right actions, we will have another preventable increase, as we are seeing in Europe right now and just as we are aggressively expanding vaccination," he said.

What is happening in Europe is a warning.

Several countries across the continent are overwhelmed with new several of the most infectious diseases and have imposed new lockdowns.


This morning, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she will extend the country's lockdown until April 18 amid a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases.

Worldwide cases are increasing.

The World Health Organization said yesterday that the number of new infections had risen for the fifth week in a row.