The Limited Times

The Buenos Aires federal chamber unarchived the case of Operation Puf with which the Ks sought to annul the Cuadernos de las Bribes

3/23/2021, 10:19:43 PM

The appeal court, by unanimous vote, ordered Judge Marcelo Martínez Di Giorgi, to deepen the investigation of the cause opened by a complaint by Elisa Carrió. He said that from the talks between former prisoners K it is clear the "criminal nature" of the maneuver.

03/23/2021 18:24

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 03/23/2021 19:03

The federal chamber of Buenos Aires unanimously decided to


the case to investigate Operation Puf through which Kirchnerism tried to annul the case of the Bribery Notebooks and ordered federal judge Marcelo Martínez Di Giorgi to

deepen the investigation.

The decision was made by the judges of Chamber I of that court, Eduardo Farah, Mariano Llorens and Leopoldo Bruglia.

The Puf Operation was launched by

former K officials imprisoned in Ezeiza and the Instituto Patria launched in January 2019

to carry out a “shopping forum” maneuver (choose a friendly judge) to bring the complaint of the “retired agricultural producer” Pedro Etchebest to the Dolores court that was then directed by the member of Legitimate Justice, Alejo Ramos Padilla.

Last September, Judge Martínez Di Giorgi filed the case opened for a complaint by the reference of Cambiemos, Elisa Carrió, because he said that the maneuver

"did not harm"

the cause of the Notebooks because it reached an oral trial.

But the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, one of the objectives of the operation, together with the late judge Claudio Bonadio and the



Daniel Santoro,


the case file.

The ruling indicates that Martínez Di Giorgi "limited himself to analyzing and ruling out that through conversations" in which the former secretary of Planning Coordination, Roberto Baratta, and other former K officials

anticipated ten days before that Etchebest

was going to file a complaint " spontaneous "in the court of Dolores.

They even say in telephone conversations that Judge Ramos Padilla, current head of the La Plata court, "took a trip" and is already "operating."

Ramos Padilla Jr.


having found out before Etchebest filed the complaint on January 28, 2018 in his court after an interview between Stornelli, the false lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio and the governor of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, in Pinamar.

But conversations recorded by court order cast doubt on that claim.

Di Giorgi said that Operation Puf, the name given to it by Cristina Kirchner's deputy and operator, Eduardo Valdés, in a famous conversation with former Secretary of Transportation Juan Pablo Schiavi, "

did not succeed in

hindering the instruction" of the cause. of the Notebooks.

"Such a conclusion

does not find factual basis

in the




carried out by Martínez Di Giorgi, the evidence collected in the proceedings being as insufficient as

its interpretation


, ignoring the courses of action proposed by the prosecution," says the ruling.

Judge Martínez Di Giorgi "with generic affirmations and references to other investigations,

failed to give real treatment

to those events with signs of verisimilitude that arise from the transcripts and were denounced."

The court ordered the judge to deepen the investigation and


the procedural object, among other measures.

"It is



in this type of event to use judicial procedures as

a vehicle to carry out various political maneuvers

, which have public opinion as their real target, but which have nothing to do with the administration of justice," he warned.

Such circumstance requires “an acute work on the part of those who are called to administer justice in

the same way that the Hon.

Federal Chamber of Mar del Plata which,

recently, has put in order the object of the investigation processed in the Federal Court of Dolores ".

The Mar del Plata court "understood that

there was no evidence

of the probable participation of Carlos Stornelli in the extortionary maneuver that had been practiced to the detriment of Pedro Etchebest, which is why it revoked his prosecution." In addition, the chamber annulled the two prosecutions that Ramos Padilla had dictated against Santoro.

The ruling highlighted that the conversations of the former prisoners in Ezeiza –which Kirchnerism wants to annul as evidence- "would give an account of the start-up of the operation that

existed, which were duly obtained

in the framework of a criminal investigation by the Federal Court n ° 2 of Lomas de Zamora and ordered by Judge Federico Villena ”.

This investigation, unlike that stated by Martínez Di Giorgi “could

be criminal



regardless of whether or not the objective could have actually materialized”.

The camera considered that “after making a detailed detail of the wiretaps, it considered that its content

was so graphic, explicit and forceful that it left the so-called“ Operative Puf ”uncovered


The judges ordered Martínez Di Giorgi to incorporate new complaints from Stornelli and “


the evidence proposed in the present case, or produce others that would tend to deepen the categorical speeches exchanged by different characters, where undoubtedly his person was referred to with negatives and disastrous omens and to the judge of the case being processed in Dolores

in more than suggestive terms


In addition, the court recalled that the deputy attorney general of the chamber, José Luis Agüero Iturbe,

adhered to Stornelli's appeal,

understanding that “the suitable and conducive evidence that allows overcoming the uncertainty about the existence of the fact delimited by the Public Prosecutor's Office ”.

The chamber

rejected the "offending terms"

of a presentation by Ramos Padilla's father and chamber judge, Juan Ramos Padilla.

Before the Etchebest presentation, he met with Eduardo Valdés at the Puiggari spa, Entre Ríos.

The court asked the Council of the Magistracy and the CABA bar association to

sanction Ramos Padilla Sr. for his ethical misconduct.

On the other hand, the Cassation Chamber 


the extension of the preventive prison that Marcelo D'Alessio has been serving for two years but not in the case of Dolores, but in an attempt to extort the customs broker, Gabriel Traficante.