The Limited Times

This is how we got to a fourth election in two years Israel today

3/23/2021, 9:44:06 PM

| political Three elections, two prime ministers in an unfulfilled rotation and one particularly nervous one were probably not enough, and today we found ourselves at the ballot box again • Have we gotten used to it? • Watch This is the fourth time in two years that we are going to vote in the Knesset elections, this time - we all hope that a government will finally be formed here, or maybe not? Maybe we are

Three elections, two prime ministers in an unfulfilled rotation and one particularly nervous one were probably not enough, and today we found ourselves at the ballot box again • Have we gotten used to it?

• Watch

This is the fourth time in two years that we are going to vote in the Knesset elections, this time - we all hope that a government will finally be formed here, or maybe not?

Maybe we are addicted to multiple elections?

Maybe it's the politicians who enjoy the spotlight and the urgent performances in the studios?

Election campaign in less than two years