The Limited Times

Covid: Spain, successful experiment with the first live concert

3/27/2021, 9:28:24 PM

With the mask but all together, crowded together to dance and sing under a stage: five thousand people have returned to live a concert almost as before the pandemic, after having all been subjected to an antigen test. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 27 - With the mask but all together, crowded together to dance and sing under a stage: five thousand people have returned to live a concert almost as before the pandemic, after having all been subjected to a testantigenico.

The experiment was staged in Barcelona where the Love of Lesbian label played at the Palau de Sant Jordi: a successful experiment that now feeds the hope of the promoters of the public that the big events will return to being a reality from this summer.

    It was the first big concert since the beginning of the pandemic. A medical team oversaw the entire operation, according to La Vanguardia, and the concert went on without significant incidents. After the test, musicians, organization, audience and other staff transformed the Sant Jordi into a super bubble of 5,000 people who could live the live experience without maintaining the distance.

    Only 6 of the 5,000 spectators tested positive for Covid-19 and were unable to attend. (HANDLE).

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