The Limited Times

Covid: too many crowds, closed park near the Colosseum

3/27/2021, 6:55:35 PM

The Colle Oppio park, a stone's throw from the Colosseum, closed in the afternoon by the local police due to crowds. According to what has been learned, there were about 150 people inside the park. The agents evacuated those present. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 27 - Colle Oppio park, a stone's throw from the Colosseum, closed in the afternoon by the local police due to crowds.

According to what has been learned, there were about 150 people inside the park.

The agents have drained present.

Lazio is currently in the red zone.

    The agents of the Central Group I (ex Trevi) intervened around 5.30 pm due to the presence of about 150 people who crowded an area of ​​the park. Arranged the momentary closure to drain those present and restore the safety conditions. Throughout the day, the agents were busy supervising the parks, with Gssu agents on bicycles who intervened where necessary, calling for compliance with the rules. Patrol control activities also in the most frequented localities of the historic center and on the Capitoline seafront. Checks are also underway in the typical nightlife spots. (HANDLE).