The Limited Times

Widespread hotels, ready to be reborn for the post covid

3/27/2021, 7:55:23 PM

First positive signs, investments are being made for the next season (ANSA)  ROME, MARCH 27 - The "widespread hotels", the particular form of hospitality "a little home, a little hotel" typical of Italian villages, are already being organized for the next season, also with important investments, to make it unique and authentic the experience of those who choose them to stay there. Despite the crisis caused by the covid, something therefore begins to move in the more susta

 ROME, MARCH 27 - The "widespread hotels", the particular form of hospitality "a little home, a little hotel" typical of Italian villages, are already being organized for the next season, also with important investments, to make it unique and authentic the experience of those who choose them to stay there.

Despite the crisis caused by the covid, something therefore begins to move in the more sustainable and "human-sized" tourism, which launches a first positive signal after so much forced immobility: this is what is recorded by the National Association of Diffused Hotels which, among its 140 associates, is detecting a fair number of accommodation facilities ready to reorganize in the months to come due to the much-needed opening.

"The diffused hotels can offer a perfect post covid experience and they are already preparing to welcome guests next season. This is a positive sign because resistance to the crisis is certainly not achieved by standing still, but by inventing something. new. And for small businesses, investing and improving at this time is not a trivial matter "

Giancarlo Dall'Ara, president of the National Association of Diffused Hotels, tells ANSA, who in the 1980s created this model and launched the expression 'widespread hotel.

"We found that 8 out of the 70 structures that are up to date with the registration to the association have expansion works underway, demonstrating that the widespread hotel model and the theme of sustainability in the villages represent a trend that has positive confirmations. from the market. In fact, we are already seeing, even if still without reservations, a greater attention than in 2019 for this type of hospitality that offers tourists autonomy together with hotel services ", explains the president.

From Matera to Paulilatino (Or), from Ferriere (Pc) to Oleggio Castello (No), work is therefore in full swing and in the meantime the hope is being cultivated of being able to start again with new impetus, to heal the wounds left by the pandemic.

The strength of these small structures deeply rooted in the territory to which they belong lies entirely in the marked "Italianness", in those values ​​of tradition, artistic and landscape beauty, good cuisine and genuine and authentic hospitality, which characterize the places in which they arise, that is the villages.

Obviously, without forgetting sustainability, because the widespread hotels are "hotels that are not built and that are born by networking pre-existing houses, close to each other, in the historic center of a village", explains Dall'Ara, "one of the houses it becomes the welcome place, that is the lobby where guests arrive to register and have the room keys, and where there are also the services, the refreshment point, the halls and common areas, assistance and information. houses, no more than 200 meters away from the 'heart' of the hotel, instead become the rooms to stay ".

With this type of formula, the guest who arrives lives the experience of being, even if temporarily, a resident and not a simple tourist.

    A personalized welcome, but with the comforts of the hotel (obviously the classic services remain such as the daily cleaning of the rooms, assistance, the possible small breakfast service in the room, the refreshment point, etc.), to which is also watching carefully from abroad: "Even CNN and Forbes magazine have recently underlined how the diffuse hotels are perfect for those who want to return to travel after the pandemic", says Dall'Ara, "that of the diffuse hotel is a exportable tourist model; with our association we offer free know-how to those interested: in exchange we ask that the Italian name be used, in this way we also promote made in Italy ".