The Limited Times

A Buenos Aires teacher died of coronavirus and a teacher union makes a strike in the City's schools

3/29/2021, 8:22:25 PM

The teacher worked at Technical School 13, in the Lugano neighborhood. Ademys points to the "political responsibility" of the Buenos Aires government.

03/29/2021 4:42 PM

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 03/29/2021 4:42 PM

The Buenos Aires teachers grouped in the Ademys union joined a strike this Monday due to the death by coronavirus of a teacher at a school in the Lugano neighborhood.

As part of the protest over

the death of Jorge Langone

, Ademys gave a press conference in front of Technical School 13, where the teacher was working, in which they pointed to the "political responsibility" of the city government. 

In this sense, they indicated that in schools

"there are no sanitary conditions or budget"

for face-to-face classes.

They also rejected the "flexibilization of the school protocol that the Buenos Aires Executive continues to analyze."

"There are

hundreds of complaints from schools

that show that the protocols are not met, that there are no conditions for the isolation of a teacher when a suspicious case is detected and that elementary services are lacking," added Amanda Martín, union secretary of Ademys to Télam .

In addition, he affirmed that "in the reopening (of the schools) there are no sanitary or budget conditions, and they are not marked by objective epidemiological data."

The union representative also warned that "

Covid cases are increasing in the City of Buenos Aires

and the

Buenos Aires

government does not take preventive or emergency measures."

Finally, Martín reported that "in the next few hours" Ademys will hold "

a new assembly to decide what the next steps are."

The general secretary of the union, Mariana Scayola, said for her part, speaking on Monday on El Uncover Radio that "the number of positive cases in the City increased by 50% since classes returned" and pointed out that this is "the alert "that his guild had already mentioned" at the time ".

Referring to the death of the teacher by Covid-19, he said that "Jorge came to go to school one day, so we cannot say that he was infected at school, but what does happen is that we already have teachers who in turn they infected relatives ".

"Jorge is the first, but we cannot say that he will be the last," he completed.

With information from Télam


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