The Limited Times

Are the State and the powers that be beginning to abandon Bolsonaro?

3/29/2021, 11:37:25 PM

All the institutions that seemed anesthetized by the fascist myth incapable of reacting to the genocide that the country suffered seem to have awakened to say: "Enough!"

A billboard with a graffiti over Bolsonaro's image, on March 27 in Pernambuco.LEO MALAFAIA / AFP

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's popularity on social media is the lowest since his election, according to data analysis agency MAP.

Out of 1.4 million posts that mention Bolsonaro, only 10.8% are positive.

And the proportion of Brazilians who are in favor of the vaccine has risen to 86% despite the president's campaign to discourage people from immunization.

And in the end also the institutions of the State, Congress, the Supreme Federal Court, most of the governors, economists, businessmen and the market realized the very serious health situation that the country suffers and decided to launch what could be called a



against the president with the creation of a commission in charge of controlling the pandemic.

In this way, Bolsonaro practically no longer has control of health, which is the most urgent thing at this time.

If it remained in his hands, the health crisis fueled by his stubborn denial could have led to a national catastrophe and a popular confrontation.

In this way, Bolsonaro is in practice outside of health management.

He is still a sitting president but under control.

His last speech to the nation, issued three times, was pathetic and accompanied by the biggest blow ever suffered accompanied by screams from the windows of murderer and genocidal.

His speech in which he presented himself as the greatest defender of the vaccine was so disastrous that they detected up to 14 lies when compared to all his previous statements of mockery of the pandemic, of the dead and the vaccine of which he said that those who the They took, if they were men they could become alligators and women would grow beards.

And he anticipated that he would not be vaccinated.

The one who threatened military coups so many times, we do not know if he has realized that who has been the object of what could be called a parliamentary white coup supported by all the other institutions of the State and the so-called powers that be has been him.

For Brazil, it is indeed an embarrassment to see the negative image that the country currently has in the world.

The foreign media, radio, television and newspapers are calling Brazil "the worst country in the world."

Reading these stories, Brazil remembers the cities of the Middle Ages punished with the plague from which everyone fled.

The foreign media collect dramatic scenes from doctors and nurses, such as that of the patient who, in the absence of anesthetic, had to tie him to the bed in order to intubate him.

Or those who had to manually pump lungs with silicone valves.

Or that of doctors and nurses tormented during their sleep, knowing that the next day they would have to choose who to save and who to let die.

The scene of a daughter hugging her mother in tears who had been chosen to let her die is heartbreaking.

And so thousands of dramas that chill the soul.

And what is more important and significant is that this white coup against the president has been carried out under the total silence of the Army forces, even those directly participating in his government.

They have remained silent even in the face of the harassment suffered in the Senate by Ernesto Araujo, one of the most important ministers of the Government, that of Foreign Affairs, in charge of representing the country before the other nations of the world.

There were even senators who shouted for him to resign from his post, since he has revealed himself incapable of his important mission and is creating serious problems for Brazil with the great world powers.

All the institutions that seemed anesthetized by the fascist myth incapable of reacting to the genocide that the country suffered seem Phaberse awakened to say "Now enough!"

and they have found the formula to stop the president who seemed insensitive to the pain of the nation and the economic crisis that is severely punishing the poorest with rampant inflation that leads them to suffer from lack of food for their children.

It remains to be seen in the coming weeks if Bolsonaro has understood that he has been placed on the sidelines outside the command of the pandemic and what his reaction will be.

If he tries to reveal himself, it will be necessary to see how the forces that have cornered him will react.

For now, even his ward, Congress President Arthur Lira, has already hinted that on



, to remove him from power, there are more than 50 petitions that can be dusted off at any time.

It is a clear sign that those closest to the president so far have seen their ship begin to sink and are already thinking of abandoning it for fear of dying politically with him.

Everything suggests that the country's leadership situation has entered the midst of a national and international crisis and that even those who protected Bolsonaro, often for reasons of personal interest, are beginning to distance themselves from him.

Now the question remains as to how the most extreme ideological wing of Bolsonarism will react when seeing its myth become hostage to the other institutions.

In any case, they will have to understand that their idol is losing its battle and that the other powers have lost the fear in which they seemed trapped.

The next decisions will be key for the root and violent Bolsonarismo.

In any case, they cannot help but see that their myth has begun to swim in bitter and dangerous waters.

And what is more serious for them is that the military does not seem willing to go to war to save the captain from whom perhaps they wish to save themselves before the follies of the one who today feels his boss before whom everyone falls on his back. army should kneel.

Or will there still be some other surprises?

Brazil appears to be on the brink of an erupting volcano that threatens to devour it.

And meanwhile the victims of the pandemic grow every day and people die alone, abandoned and suffocated in the corridors of hospitals.

And this in a country that has one of the best public health systems in the world and is a specialist in free vaccination campaigns.

What is poisoning the country is the political negligence that until yesterday seemed anesthetized.

The light may begin to appear.

And that is the dream of the 220 million Brazilians who anxiously await the arrival of the vaccine that had been paralyzed by the damned political and ideological intrigues.