The Limited Times

Can Strasbourg town hall legally subsidize a non-concordataire cult?

3/29/2021, 6:49:36 PM

TRIBUNE - The municipality has allocated a grant for the construction of a mosque. Jean-Éric Shoettl and Pierre Steinmetz, two prominent jurists and former members of the Constitutional Council, analyze this decision.

Jean-Éric Shoettl is former secretary general of the Constitutional Council.

Pierre Steinmetz is a former member of the Constitutional Council and former director of the cabinet of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

The grant awarded by the City of Strasbourg to the Millî Görüs association for the construction of a second large mosque in this municipality, is an opportunity to revisit the question of maintaining the system of worship and, more generally, local law. Alsatian Moselle.

Read also: Strasbourg Mosque: the town hall under fire from critics

The Minister of the Interior asks the Strasbourg administrative court to cancel this subsidy because of the actions of the beneficiary association, and not because the public subsidization of a cult other than the four "recognized" in Alsace-Moselle would be in principle illegal.

The thesis of the Ministry of the Interior (taken up by most of the commentators) is that the separation law of 1905 was not made applicable in Alsace-Moselle and that, therefore, the subsidies paid to cults by

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