The Limited Times

Dozens of guests, without a mask, without a gap: police dissolve beer garden operations in Valley

3/29/2021, 8:01:36 PM

Dozens of guests, all without a mask: the police closed operations in a beer garden in the community of Valley on Sunday. The host was reported.

Dozens of guests, all without a mask: the police closed operations in a beer garden in the community of Valley on Sunday.

The host was reported.


- The sunny spring weather attracted many day trippers to the Miesbach district on Palm Sunday (March 28).

Among other things, there was a lot of activity in front of a restaurant in the municipality of Valley, according to reports in Mangfalltal in the Mühlthal district.

The Holzkirchen police discovered a few dozen guests in a beer garden in the late afternoon, without a minimum distance, without masks.

The guests fled from the police, but the day will have consequences for the landlord.

As the police headquarters in Upper Bavaria-Süd reported, the Holzkirchen police received a message from the population on Sunday afternoon that the restaurant was crowded with too many guests in too narrow a space.

We were talking about running a beer garden with around 100 people.

A patrol arrived at the scene of the incident around 5 p.m.

Guests quickly leave the scene

According to the police headquarters, the officers did not find 100 people, but an "indefinite number in the higher double-digit range," as the press report says.

The guests stayed without mouth and nose covering and without observing minimum distances at bar tables and benches, which the host had provided.

The innkeeper offered the day trippers pizza and tarte flambée as well as drinks.

When the patrol pulled up, the guests fled the beer garden in all directions.

As the police announced on request, it was not possible to take personal details from the guests.

However, the landlord had to explain himself.

Because of the violations of the applicable infection control regulations, the police wrote a complaint.

The Miesbach District Office now has to clarify whether the report will be followed up and how high a possible fine will be.

As press spokeswoman Sophie Stadler explained on request, it usually takes a few days before the report reaches the authorities.

If the allegations are correct, the landlord has to reckon with a fine of 5000 euros for his Palm Sunday operation because he has apparently offered sale and consumption on site.

For guests who consume their to-go snack on site, the catalog of fines provides for a fine of 250 euros.

Further information on the corona events in the Miesbach district can be found here.

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