The Limited Times

For now, the City will not add restrictions and differs from the decisions of the Nation and Province

3/29/2021, 8:07:30 PM

The Buenos Aires government maintains that the current measures will be maintained and that they continue to analyze the epidemiological situation day by day.

Sebastian Clemente

03/29/2021 4:54 PM

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 03/29/2021 4:54 PM


Buenos Aires government will

not increase


for now in the

face of the imminent

second wave

of coronavirus.

In this way, the administration led by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta distances itself from what was announced by the national government, which decided to

telework for the Public Administration

, and perhaps also for the Province, where measures for

recreational activities

are evaluated


In the surroundings of the Buenosairean head of Government they maintain that "there are measures" taken that

are in force


They refer, for example, to

the closing hours of bars and restaurants

, which remain at 2, while in the Province it

was released on February 25


As it transpired, the measures being analyzed by the Province have to do with

once again restricting the hours for night-time circulation

and reducing recreational activities.

And although from La Rosada the message is that each jurisdiction decides its own restrictions, from the Buenos Aires government they insist that for now they will continue with the measures in force in that area as well.

Last week there was a claim from the gastronomic sector that, given the arrival of the low temperatures in autumn and winter, proposed to expand the capacity of the halls.

Before, when the Province eliminated the time restriction, they had also proposed the same measure in the Capital.

But none of the requests received affirmative answers.  

In the City some procedures are enabled with a previous shift, but a large part of those that can be done remotely remain in that modality.

Regarding the functioning of the

public administration

, from Uspallata they maintain that a large part operates in

teleworking mode

and the attention to neighbors

is maintained in turn

, although a large part of the procedures that can be solved remotely were never done in person again.

They also assure that another part of the campus reconverted its tasks and works in

vaccination centers or testing centers

, among other spaces linked to the care of the pandemic. 

"It is clear that there is an increase in cases and it is data that is monitored on a daily basis. But we understand that

the measures that are in force are sufficient

and for the moment it is not necessary to add new restrictions," they say in the environment of the head of Government, who this noon, at a press conference, he assured: "We will continue to evaluate the parameters day by day. Decisions are made based on

a set of indicators that are rigorously analyzed.

When a measure is decided, it will be reported as always, with evidence-based decisions. "

Although Nation and City have

common strategies

, such as vaccination campaigns, in which jurisdictions depend on the supply of the Ministry of Health, and areas such as flight control and borders in which the national government is the one that decides, in The City

is not the first time that they have sought to follow their own path

, beyond the directives of

Casa Rosada.

It already happened a few weeks ago, when the national government announced that it would allocate the Chinese vaccines from the



to immunize teachers throughout the country and from Uspallata street they announced that they would continue with the original plan and would use them to

advance with health personnel .

Days later, Capital

used 16,000 of those vaccines for initial level teachers and the first cycle of primary school.

Also for managers and personnel affected by this type of task.

In that week there was also a proposal from the Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós, about the distribution methodology.

The official proposed

reviewing the mechanism for awarding doses

taking into account the incidence of risk groups in each population and not the number of inhabitants in each jurisdiction.

He stated that the Capital was the district with the

highest percentage of people over 60 and health personnel. 

That the City take its own path also produces a contrast with what happened last year, when Alberto Fernández's decisions and announcements were made with

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta sitting next to him.

They were times of good relations and in which the Buenosairean Government discussed options and shared decisions also with Axel Kicillof, the governor of the Province.

Then it was time to propose

openings to reactivate the economy.

The City was the one that used to propose the most daring solutions and the Province the one that warned that

fewer restrictions would result in more cases of infections

and the feared collapse of the health system.

They were moments of

discussion by the runners and the big shopping centers


And then came the differences over the return to face-to-face classes, a discussion that ended at the beginning of the year, when all jurisdictions decided to start the year with full classrooms. 


Look also

The City opened the registration to those over 75 to get vaccinated: how is the process

The Government seeks to "coparticipate" the restrictions with the provinces: control of isolation "house by house" and time slots