The Limited Times

Members leaving Knesset - and thanking Israel today

3/29/2021, 9:22:25 PM

More than 20 MKs from the outgoing Knesset will soon see it only from home • Some left voluntarily, and others - after not being re-elected | Political-Political

More than 20 MKs from the outgoing Knesset will soon see her only from home • Some left voluntarily, and others - after not being re-elected • MK Hauser: "Running long distances"

More than twenty MKs are leaving the outgoing Knesset. Some did so voluntarily (such as Gabi Ashkenazi, Omer Yankelevich and Miki Haimovich from White Brush, Yitzhak Cohen from Shas, Amir Peretz from Labor), others because they decided to take a time-out from politics White brush gift).

There were those who did not find a suitable framework for them (such as Ofer Shelach and Avi Nissenkorn) - and some are very disappointed that they were not elected because they were not placed in real places in the lists of their parties.

Zvi Hauser rejects the possibility of forming an alternative government, November 2020 // Photo: From Zvi Hauser's Twitter page

Some of the MKs disappointed that they will not attend next week's inaugural session of the 24th Knesset, refused to be interviewed and told about their feelings and disappointment, and on the other hand about the achievements they had during their tenure. Among them: Former Deputy Chief Uzi Dayan (Likud), Tali Ploskov And Osnat Mark (Likud) and Michal Shir (New Hope).  

MK Zvi Hauser (New Hope), who served in the prestigious position of chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and a member of the Judicial Appointments Committee, does not hide his disappointment that he was not re-elected.

He said, "This politics is a long-distance run. I intend to continue to serve the ideas I believe in outside the Knesset as well. I have contributed to the establishment of 'New Hope' and there is much more to do. We are here to stay and grow."

Significant contribution

As chairman of the committee overseen by the Shin Bet, Hauser led legislation to regulate the use of Shin Bet IDs as a tool to eradicate the corona, and led the struggle to shorten isolation days. As a legislator, he initiated an amendment to the "Basic Law: Referendum" to apply to localities as well. Israelis in Judea and Samaria, and submitted alongside MK Gideon Saar an amendment to the "Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty" in order to add the concept of equality to the law. In addition, they submitted a bill to hold a public hearing for Supreme Court candidates before the Judicial Selection Committee. Hauser also submitted a bill Allow Israelis living abroad to vote in the Knesset.

Yizhar Shai, who served as blue and white science and technology minister and will not be in the 24th Knesset, says he has decided to take a break from political life.

"I have not finished my political activities. I am on a time-out that will allow me to decide if, how and what I want to do next. Israel is very important to me and I will try to continue to influence in every way possible where my children will live and raise my grandchildren." The challenges are significant and how important it is to influence from within - even though the temptation to stay outside 'on the lines' is great, especially given the fact that the high-tech environment to which I belong is luxurious and fascinating.

"Voice for the Children"

"Overall, I had an empowering and formative experience. I met people who have been involved in the public arena for many years, from all walks of life. I learned to appreciate the work of political opponents and internalized the insight that politics is slow, very complex and in many cases very frustrating. I was glad I was there. "To the best of my ability and that I have reached achievements that I can be proud of. For me, this chapter is over but it is not clear if we will complete it."

Jabarin, who has served in the Knesset since 2015, is also considered a very decent legislator in the corridors of the Mishkan. Jabarin, who is a doctor of law, says that "I have dedicated all my days and nights to the public good. "In the last Knesset I chaired the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and we made a clear voice for the rights of children and youth in the shadow of the severe corona crisis. I am happy to look back on the much work that has been done, as well as the imprint .

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