The Limited Times

Relatives of the Tragedy of Eleven ask that Julio De Vido start serving his sentence in jail

3/29/2021, 11:07:25 PM

They rejected a request from the former Minister of Planning. The Chamber of Cassation had already ratified the sentence.

03/29/2021 19:05

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 03/29/2021 19:05

The relatives of the Tragedy of Eleven asked this Monday that Julio De Vido begin

serving his sentence in prison

, rejecting a request presented by the lawyer for the former Minister of Planning.

Last Thursday, the Criminal Cassation Chamber rejected an appeal filed by De Vido and confirmed the

sentence of five years and eight months

for fraudulent administration.

However, a day later, the defense of the former official made a request that the

execution of the sentence is not yet effective


They argued that, according to current articles of the new Criminal Procedure Code, the execution of the sentence will begin to be carried out only when the Supreme Court of the Nation is expressed.

Now Leonardo Menghini, representing the families of victims of the train crash, responded to TOF 4.

Julio De Vido, sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for the Tragedy of Eleven.

Photo EFE

He requested that "the claim of the defense of the Convicted Julio Miguel De Vido be rejected, and that the execution of the sentence imposed be immediately commenced."

He warned about the re-victimization of relatives and survivors of the tragedy, which occurred in 2012, and about the alteration to social peace "due to the

poor writing of an article

, whose opportunistic application cannot be ignored."

The explanation of the relatives

In the brief, the lawyer explained that "the complaint appeal" of the former minister, unlike the appeal resources, 

"does not modify the firmness of the ruling, a

fact that would occur only if the complaint appeal is admitted" by the Supreme Court.

"In other words, the externalization of the will is not the opening of the appeal, but is the mere aspiration of the convicted person," Menghini continued.

And he remarked: "The ruling has the firmness that imposes the

enforceability of the sentence, immediately

, that is, the arrest of the convicted person to start serving the sentence."

The relatives of the victims of the Tragedy of Once demanded that Julio De Vido serve his sentence in jail.

Photo Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

He also highlighted that, in case of accepting the presentation of the defense, the criterion "could also be extended to international courts", so that the resulting delays would mean that "the detention of a convicted person would depend more on his will than on the procedural status of the cause".

The relatives of the Tragedy of Once warned about the





to which they are subjected.

"The delay in the beginning of effective compliance is a

serious precedent for social peace

, since in that case there would be many convicted criminals who would continue to be on the street," they added in the letter before the TOF 4.

"The delay in enforceability, in a mockery of the rights of the victims and makes a condemnation illusory that should serve as an example for an entire Society that must, necessarily, fight corruption and impunity," concluded the families of the victims.

52 people died in the Tragedy of Once, in February 2012. Photo Luciano Thieberger

De Vido's situation

Julio De Vido was sentenced in 2017 to five years and eight months in prison, for the crime of

fraudulent administration.

Although he had not been linked to the case in the first instance, the ruling of the Federal Oral Court in the first trial - which in December 2015 sentenced 28 defendants - urged an investigation into the responsibility of the former Minister of Federal Planning. 

They indicated that

he could not be unaware of what was happening

with the trains, besides that he was responsible for paying the subsidies that were not used to improve the railway system.

The former official was released in December 2019 by a decision of Chamber I of the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber, in the framework of the Corruption Notebooks case.

De Vido faces half a dozen oral trials derived from this last case, in addition one for the alleged direction of public works.


Look also

Tragedy of Eleven: The defense asked that Julio De Vido not return to jail

They confirmed the sentence against Julio De Vido for the Tragedy of Eleven, but he will remain free