The Limited Times

Söder wants exit restrictions: Strong criticism of country leaders - "seriousness of the situation not understood"

3/29/2021, 7:43:25 PM

In the fight against the third wave of corona, Prime Minister Markus Söder has now called for a stricter line and criticized the "patchwork" of corona measures in Germany.

In the fight against the third wave of corona, Prime Minister Markus Söder has now called for a stricter line and criticized the "patchwork" of corona measures in Germany.

  • Markus Söder * (CSU *) is against new federal-state talks before Easter.

  • Instead, the Bavarian Prime Minister calls for more toughness in the fight against the third corona wave.

  • In addition, the agreed emergency brake must be followed more strictly from an incidence of 100.


- Markus Söder (CSU) has been a hardliner among the prime ministers since the beginning of the coronavirus * crisis when it comes to deciding and implementing new measures to combat pandemics.

After the last federal-state conference, which ended with the resolution of so-called rest days at Easter and the early withdrawal of the same resolution, Söder had already announced that “team caution” had prevailed.

Söder also belongs to this caution team.

Corona crisis: Söder calls for tough implementation of the emergency brake

In an interview with the

Augsburger Allgemeine


, he therefore almost rudely called for an end to the "patchwork quilt" of corona measures in Germany.

The main point of the impetus is that some federal states are not consistently implementing the agreed corona emergency brake *, which should apply in cities and districts whose 7-day incidence is over 100 for three days in a row.

Corona in Bavaria: Strong criticism of the "patchwork quilt" Germany - Markus Söder urges unity

The CSU chairman called for “exit restrictions as in Bavaria” in the communities concerned.

It is a thorn in Söder's side that some federal states are still speculating about easing, while the number of infections across Germany skyrocketed and scientists and doctors repeatedly warned of a third wave, which could be more violent than the first or second wave.

"Unfortunately, some countries have not yet understood the seriousness of the situation," said the CSU head of the


This could also be meant as a swipe at the state government in Baden-Württemberg.

There were even stricter exit restrictions at the beginning of the year than in Bavaria.

The Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), who has just been confirmed in office, even announced after the federal-state conference that he wanted to automatically and consistently implement the emergency brake in his federal state.

Instead, it has now been announced that Baden-Württemberg will now also relax the corona measures in municipalities with incidences over 100 and allow meetings of two households with up to five people aged 14 and over.

By the way: The most important stories from the Free State are now also available in our brand new, regular Bayern newsletter.

Video: Is the hard lockdown coming now?

Survey values ​​of the Union are falling: Markus Söder calls for new ideas from the parties - isn't he looking at the Chancellery?

Söder also clearly rejected another federal-state meeting before Easter.

"It does not need constant new discussions, but the consistent implementation of the emergency brake," said the Prime Minister.

The constant back and forth with the Corona measures is now costing the Union many possible votes.

The latest survey results showed a clear decline in approval among the population.

In view of the upcoming federal elections, this is a clear warning sign.

Söder himself warned of a “change in mood” in the country and urged the CDU and CSU to make a new start.

According to Söder, you have to show that you still have strength and ideas.

The Bavarian Prime Minister himself is considered a hot candidate for the Chancellery - even if he always emphasizes when asked that his place is in Bavaria.

In a direct comparison with the possible CDU candidate Armin Laschet, Söder scores significantly better in surveys when it comes to the question of which of the two is more likely to be trusted with a chancellorship.

Laschet, who, as Prime Minister in North Rhine-Westphalia, is also in charge of the fate of a federal state during the corona pandemic, has so far tended to opt for an easing course and has therefore already clashed with Söder more than once.

You can always read all further information about the coronavirus in Bavaria in our news ticker. *

* / bayern and are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © dpa / picture alliance / Peter Kneffel

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