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The Anti-Terrorism Headquarters warns of renewed tourism: Iran will try to harm Israelis - Walla! news

3/29/2021, 8:22:42 PM

In the shadow of the decline in morbidity and the gradual return to routine, the Anti-Terrorism Headquarters is once again sharpening its recommendations to Israeli tourists against Iranian attempts to carry out attacks in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Jordan and, of course, the Sinai Peninsula. Special emphasis is also given to the activities of global jihadist organizations

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The Counter-Terrorism Headquarters warns of renewed tourism: Iran will try to harm Israelis

In the shadow of the decline in morbidity and the gradual return to routine, the Anti-Terrorism Headquarters is once again sharpening its recommendations to Israeli tourists against Iranian attempts to carry out attacks in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Jordan and, of course, the Sinai Peninsula.

Special emphasis is also given to the activities of global jihadist organizations


  • Headquarters for Combating Terrorism

Lightning Ravid

Monday, 29 March 2021, 21:30 Updated: 21:39

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Egyptian forces work against ISIS branches in Sinai (Photo: Reuters)

The Counter-Terrorism Headquarters published its recommendations for the spring and summer season tonight (Monday), this is the leg of renewed outbound tourism and in the shadow of the decline in the spread of the corona plague.

The statement issued an estimate stating that Iran will continue to work in the near future to promote harm to Israeli targets.

"Areas with a high probability of such activity are countries close to Iran - such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain, the Kurdish region of Iraq, as well as countries in the Middle East visited by Israelis such as Turkey, Jordan and Egypt."

The headquarters noted in this context the bombing of the explosive device near the Israeli embassy in India at the end of January, as well as the activities of terrorist organizations around the world.

"Global jihadist organizations, with an emphasis on the Islamic State (ISIS) and their supporters, continue to be motivated and carry out attacks in various countries around the world, including countries visited by Israelis," it said.

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Security forces in India near the cargo scene.

January (Photo: Reuters)

The headquarters of the global jihadist organizations are in the Sahel region, with an emphasis on Mali and Burkina Faso, Central Africa, with an emphasis on northern Nigeria and neighboring countries. India and South Filipino. also, there is still the motivation of global jihad operatives to carry out attacks in Western countries. It should be noted that in the last year of the explicit call prominent leadership Daa"s organization's operatives in Sinai and Syria, to attack Israelis. "

these recommendations are in attendance were government approval weekend The opening of the Taba crossing to the Sinai Peninsula. According to the decision, it will be possible for vacationers to pass through Eilat starting tomorrow, for the vaccinated and recovering.

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