The Limited Times

Unlike Gafni: Litzman expresses support for Netanyahu Israel today

3/29/2021, 7:49:25 PM

| political The Minister of Construction and Housing said at a conference of Torah Judaism activists that, contrary to the party chairman's position, they would recommend Netanyahu, as they had promised • "All rumors are spin." Minister Litzman and the Prime Minister Photo:  Liron Moldovan Minister Yaakov Litzman said today (Monday) at a conference of Torah Judaism party activists: "Our goal is to form

The Minister of Construction and Housing said at a conference of Torah Judaism activists that, contrary to the party chairman's position, they would recommend Netanyahu, as they had promised • "All rumors are spin."

  • Minister Litzman and the Prime Minister


    Liron Moldovan

Minister Yaakov Litzman said today (Monday) at a conference of Torah Judaism party activists:

"Our goal is to form a right-wing coalition for the benefit of all Israeli citizens. All other rumors are spin," he said at the conference.

As you may recall, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today asked that HaTuva Judaism undertake to recommend him to President Reuven (Ruby) Rivlin, but the party's chairman, MK Moshe Gafni, has meanwhile refused.

This is because the Torah banner is angry with Netanyahu, mainly because of his help with religious Zionism in the last election, which came at the expense of Torah Judaism, which ultimately received seven seats.

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