The Limited Times

USA: Joe Biden wants to increase the corona vaccination rate again

3/29/2021, 9:28:36 PM

By mid-April, 90 percent of Americans should be entitled to get vaccinated against corona. Pharmacies should also help with injections. President Biden continues to urge caution.

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Joe Biden: "Our work is far from over"

Photo: Evan Vucci / dpa

More than 95 million people in the US have already received a vaccination against Covid-19.

But President Joe Biden wants to increase the vaccination rate again.

By April 19, 90 percent of adults should be eligible for a vaccination, said Biden on Monday in the White House.

People shouldn't have to travel long distances to get the vaccination: For 90 percent, a vaccination site will be within a radius of five miles (eight kilometers) by this deadline.

The new goal should be made possible by increasing the involvement of pharmacies in the vaccination campaign.

In the future, vaccines are to be injected in almost 40,000 pharmacies, and more mass vaccination centers are to be built.

Biden has recently significantly increased the pace of the vaccination campaign in the United States.

According to the CDC health authority, 52.6 million people are already fully vaccinated.

More than 95 million have had at least one vaccination.

The USA has a population of around 330 million.

In absolute numbers, the country is hardest hit by the pandemic worldwide: The number of deaths is approaching 550,000, and more than 30 million infections with Sars-CoV-2 have already been detected.

In view of these numbers, Biden warned not to let up in the fight against the corona pandemic.

"Our work is far from over, the fight against Covid-19 is far from over," he said: "We are in a race for life and death with the virus."

Biden also said the virus was spreading quickly, the number of cases rose again and new variants spread.

"Inconsiderate behavior" means that even more new corona cases are added.

Biden called on US citizens to comply with the corona rules that the country may be at the beginning of a fourth wave of pandemics.

ptz / dpa / AFP

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