The Limited Times

With praise for Marcela Losardo, Alberto Fernández took the oath of Martín Soria as the new Minister of Justice

3/29/2021, 6:52:36 PM

He did it at the Casa Rosada Bicentennial Museum, where he said that the new official is "very welcome."

03/29/2021 3:43 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 03/29/2021 3:43 PM

Alberto Fernández took the oath from Martín Soria on Monday as the

new Minister of Justice and Human Rights

of the Nation, after the departure of Marcela Losardo from the portfolio.

"I especially want to thank Marcela Losardo for the work she has done in all this time. She is a close friend of many years and has done a job that exactly had to do with what I asked of her," said the president. 

Fernández takes the oath of Soria

at the Casa Rosada Bicentennial Museum.

Soria will replace Losardo, who had assumed office on December 10, 2019 and resigned days ago.

News in development


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