The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández has covid-19

4/3/2021, 8:10:34 PM

The PCR test that was performed on Alberto Fernández was positive, confirming the previous antigen result as positive for the coronavirus.

Alberto Fernández, President of the Nation (photo by Télam).

(CNN Spanish) - 

The Presidential Medical Unit of the Presidency of Argentina reported this Saturday through a statement that the PCR test performed on Alberto Fernández was positive, confirming the previous antigen result as positive for the coronavirus.

The authorities indicated that the president is "stable, asymptomatic, with parameters within normal ranges."

Alberto Fernández announced this Friday on his Twitter account that he tested positive for a covid-19 antigen.

Fernández said that after presenting a fever of 37.3 degrees Celsius and a mild headache, an antigen test was performed, which was positive.

The president assured that he is isolated, complying with the current protocol and following the instructions of his personal doctor.


I wanted to tell you that at the end of today, after presenting a fever record of 37.3 and a slight headache, I performed an antigen test, which was positive.

- Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) April 3, 2021

Fernandez added: “For everyone's information I am physically well and, although I would have liked to end my birthday without this news, I am also in good spirits.

I am grateful from my soul for the many expressions of affection that you have given me today, remembering my birth ”.

Fernández also reported that he has contacted the people with whom he was meeting in the last 48 hours to assess whether they constitute a close contact, so that they proceed to isolate themselves.

Alberto Fernandez

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