The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández with coronavirus: Fabiola Yáñez's message with the result of her test

4/3/2021, 4:31:28 PM

The First Lady posted on social media, where she gave details of her condition and the President's health.

04/03/2021 13:19

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 04/03/2021 13:19

Hours after the announcement by President Alberto Fernández, who revealed that he has a coronavirus, the first lady, Fabiola Yáñez, gave details of the result of her test and the

state of health of the head of state


"As is public knowledge, yesterday [on Friday] Alberto presented

a temperature record of 37.3

and a slight headache, for which he underwent an antigen test that tested positive for Covid," he begins Yáñez's message on his Instagram account.

"Although we are awaiting confirmation through the PCR test, he is isolated, complying with the current protocol and

following the instructions of his personal doctor

," he added about the president's health.

In relation to her personal situation, the couple of the head of state said that she also underwent the swab because it was close contact with the President, which gave



In any case, she said, she is isolated, pending Alberto's evolution, "

taking care of him and accompanying him 

as I have always done," he wrote.

Fabiola Yáñez's message on Instagram, after Alberto Fernández's positive.

Finally, Yáñez thanked the messages "of affection and support", at the same time that he exhorted his followers and society in general to continue with the care because, 

"clearly, the pandemic is not over yet



he said.

This Friday, Yáñez had published an emotional message along with a photo of Alberto for his 62nd birthday. "Happy birthday my ♥ ️ @alferdezok. May life continue to enlighten you.

I know of your commitment, tenacity and daily effort

. I love you and you I admire. Always together! ", he had written.

The post was accompanied by a


in which they are both smiling.

In just one hour, that publication added

more than 34,000 "likes"

, in addition to other messages of greetings for the president.

On Friday, Fabiola Yáñez had uploaded an emotional message along with a selfie with the President for his birthday.

Photo: Instagram.

Yáñez is not the only person who

had to isolate himself because of the President's diagnosis


In addition to the deputy Máximo Kirchner, with whom he met last Thursday, Foreign Minister Felipe Solá and the Secretary for Malvinas, Antarctica and the South Atlantic of the Foreign Ministry, Daniel Filmus, had to make the same decision because they had contact the day before. 

Added to the list of close contacts are the mayor of Hurlingham,

Juan Zabaleta

, and the secretary general of the Presidency,

Julio Vitobello


The President's message

Just started on Saturday, Alberto Fernández reported that he had given a rapid test for coronavirus "positive" after registering a fever and a slight headache.

"I wanted to tell you that at the end of today, after presenting

a fever record of 37.3 and a slight headache

, I performed an antigen test whose result was positive," said the president through his Twitter account.

"I would have liked to end my birthday without this news,

I am

also in

good spirits

. I am grateful from my soul for the many expressions of affection that they have given me today, remembering my birth," he added.

He also recommended

"be very attentive



"I ask everyone to preserve themselves by following the current recommendations. It is clear that the pandemic did not pass and we must continue to take care of ourselves," he concluded.

Fernández was

the first President of Latin America to receive a vaccine

against the coronavirus.

The first dose of Sputnik V, produced by the Russian laboratory Gamaleya;

He received it on January 21.


Look also

Alberto Fernández with coronavirus: the meeting between the President and Rodríguez Larreta, on hold

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta sent a message to Alberto Fernández: "I hope he recovers soon"

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