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Azerbaijan Foreign Minister: "We would be happy to bridge the gap between Israel and Iran" Israel today

4/3/2021, 8:55:39 PM

| Around the world Jihon Bayramov in a special interview with "Israel Today": "Thank you to Israel, which was one of the first to recognize our independence" • On Netanyahu: "His relationship with President Aliyev promotes cooperation" • On Israeli weapons: "A key part of our success" • And on Iran: "Regional peace and security is in our interest" Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Jihon Biramov The relationship between

Jihon Bayramov in a special interview with "Israel Today": "Thank you to Israel, which was one of the first to recognize our independence" • On Netanyahu: "His relationship with President Aliyev promotes cooperation" • On Israeli weapons: "A key part of our success" • And on Iran: "Regional peace and security is in our interest"

  • Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Jihon Biramov

The relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan is one of Jerusalem's most unique.

A country with a Shiite majority that sees Israel as one of its oldest members, and certainly one of the most strategic.

The effectiveness of the deep friendship between the two countries was revealed to the whole world in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, in which Azerbaijan achieved a resounding victory with the help of Israeli weapons that included, among other things, the ballistic missile "Laura" and the suicide bomber "Harup".

At the same time, Azerbaijan is a neighbor of Iran that is educated to combine its relations with Jerusalem and Tehran.

The one who has been successfully running the special Azeri diplomacy since July 16 is 47-year-old Foreign Minister Jihon Bayramov, who previously served as education minister.

In an exclusive interview with Israel Today, he talks about his special relationship with Israel, his gratitude to Jerusalem for his assistance during and after the war, his great appreciation for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and also refers to the possibility that Baku will mediate between Jerusalem and Tehran.

"Azerbaijan and Israel are maintaining strong bilateral relations and good friendships," Minister Beiramov told Israel Today.

"Israel was one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan's independence and we greatly appreciate it for that. The cooperation between us is close and beneficial to both sides in various fields, including politics, economics and security."

Do you see Israel as a strategic partner of Azerbaijan?

"The Azeri-Israeli partnership is strong, comprehensive and multidimensional," notes Beiramov.

"We are satisfied with the level of progress between the countries. In order to promote cooperation, we have already signed more than ten documents, with another 20 being examined. These documents provide a good framework for promoting relations."

What do you think about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his role in strengthening the Israeli-Azeri relationship?

"The personal relationship between Netanyahu and President Ilham Aliyev plays a key role in the development of cooperation between the two countries. Netanyahu's visit to Azerbaijan in 2016 was very beneficial, and important agreements were signed. They included, among other things, an agreement to establish a joint economic conference." ".

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu / Photo: Haim Tzach / GPO

Do you think you have the ability to link Israel to Iran?

"We are closely following developments in the Middle East," the Azeri Foreign Minister said. "We always call for the promotion of peace and security. We strongly believe that peace and security will help develop and prosper the entire region. We are always ready to help promote security and cooperation at regional and global levels."

To what extent do you think the achievements of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War strengthened the bond between Azerbaijan and Israel?

"During the war, Azerbaijan received real support from Israeli society. We greatly appreciate the Israeli humanitarian aid to the victims of the barbaric Armenian missile attack on the city of Ganja, in which 33 Azeri civilians were killed."

Beiramov adds that "Israelis and Azeris organized demonstrations against Armenian aggression and for Azerbaijan. The Azeri army's trained use of advanced technologies and precision weapons, including those manufactured in Israel - and in particular UAVs, played a key role in achieving military victory.

I am sure that the bilateral relations between us will be strengthened and deepened in various areas after the war. "

Will Israel be involved in the restoration work of Nagorno-Karabakh?

"After restoring our territorial continuity, we have entered the post-war era," says the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister. "We have now prioritized the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the liberated territories, and the return of the displaced to their homeland."

Beiramov notes: "We welcome assistance from our member states and partners in the rehabilitation process. Israeli companies, of course, may join. The scope of work is huge. This includes, among other things, the establishment of smart cities and villages."

UAV Harup / Photo: IP

After the Armenian occupation, how serious is the infrastructure situation in Nagorno-Karabakh?

"It is difficult to describe the extent of the destruction in the liberated territories, which includes the destruction of hundreds of settlements and villages," the Azeri foreign minister said in pain.

"Almost all the heritage and cultural sites, schools and residential buildings were looted and then destroyed. Places where the Azeri population stood at tens of thousands of inhabitants became ghost towns. In many cases, there is not a single building left to fly a flag on. All the liberated areas are full of mines and falls."

Biramov notes that the destruction in Nagorno-Karabakh does not only amount to the inhabited areas, but also "there is serious damage to the environment."

"About 20 percent of the forested areas have been deliberately destroyed," he said.

Regarding the Azeri refugees, he adds that "during the decades of occupation, Armenia has done everything to prevent the return of hundreds of thousands of residents to their original home. However, we are determined to rebuild and rehabilitate the liberated areas. The peaceful life has been restored to the liberated territories."

What is your response to Armenian accusations that Azerbaijan harmed innocent people during the war?

"During and after the war, Azerbaijan has always taken care to adhere to the norms and principles of international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention of 1949," says Bayramov, noting that on the first day of the war, September 27, Azerbaijani fighters were clearly instructed to meet In the Geneva Convention.

"Our army has never deliberately harmed civilians, whom we regard as our citizens," the Azeri foreign minister continues. "Our army is equipped with precision weapons, including Israeli production, which allows us to significantly reduce what is known as 'secondary damage'."

"Armenians used the war in civilian territories"

Baku has serious allegations against Yerevan.

"They deployed heavy artillery batteries and missile systems in populated areas," Bayramov accuses. "The Armenians fired many times at Azeri populated areas."

Alongside Ganja, another Azeri city that was badly affected by the Armenian shooting is Tartar, which foreign reporters even called "Stalingrad" due to its extensive destruction.

In addition, 101 civilians were killed and 500 wounded in the war as a result of artillery fire and Armenian missiles.

Regarding the use of inhabited areas for military use, a concept that Israelis are usually familiar with from Hamas' terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip, the Azeri Foreign Minister adds that "Armenian officers often used schools and kindergartens as headquarters. All my accusations are backed by reports from foreign journalists."

Azerbaijani Army Artillery Forces in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War / Photo: API

In this context, Bayramov notes that "of course any loss of human life, both Azeri and Armenian, saddens us, and yet it is important for us to emphasize - the number of Armenian civilians killed in the war, even according to official data from Yerevan, is twice as low as that of Azerbaijani citizens. Killed. "

Meanwhile, long before Azerbaijan's independence, the Jewish community was an integral part of Azerbaijani society.

"Azerbaijan is recognized as one of the centers of international multiculturalism," Biramov emphasizes in this context.

What is the key to the historical success of the strong bond between the Azeris and the Jews?

"Jews and Azeris have lived here in peace and friendship for centuries," the Azeri foreign minister said. "We are proud to continue this tradition even today. The Jewish community is a very active part of our society."

The Azeri Jewish community operates seven synagogues, five of them in the capital Baku, schools and cultural centers.

"The close relations between our peoples and the social ties between our two peoples occupy a significant place in our bilateral relations," concludes Beiramov. "The Jewish community in Azerbaijan and the Azeris in Israel, many of them Jews from Azerbaijan, play an active role in developing relations."

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