The Limited Times

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta sent a message to Alberto Fernández: 'I hope he recovers soon'

4/3/2021, 3:52:27 PM

The head of the Buenos Aires government referred to the health of the President, who on Friday reported that he was infected with coronavirus. He said that they continue to coordinate actions despite the suspension of the summit in Olivos.

04/03/2021 12:40

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 04/03/2021 12:45

The head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, revealed this Saturday that he sent a message to President Alberto Fernández to wish him to recover soon, after confirming the day before that he was infected with the coronavirus.

"I sent a message of support to the President. I hope he recovers soon. The dialogue always continues beyond the meetings I may have with him," said the Buenos Aires president.

Rodríguez Larreta had planned to meet this Saturday with President Fernández in the Olivos farm, to analyze joint actions to face the second wave of the coronavirus, but the meeting was suspended because last night the head of state reported that he has symptoms of the disease. 

"The meeting was suspended for obvious reasons," Rodríguez Larreta explained in statements he made to TN, after visiting the vaccination center that the Buenos Aires government launched at the Luna Park facilities. 

However, the PRO leader said that contacts are maintained with the Casa Rosada "at the level of heads of Cabinet, at the level of ministers of Health, of Education for educational issues."

"For us, Education is a total priority, that schools are not closed," he remarked.

In this regard, he recalled: "I said it from day one: in everything related to the pandemic we have to work in a coordinated way."