The Limited Times

Police stop massively demolished SUV: Drunk crash drive from Munich across Bavaria

4/3/2021, 8:22:28 PM

Bavarian police officers checked a driver in Aschaffenburg on Saturday morning. The clearly drunk man had already driven 400 kilometers

Bavarian police officers checked a driver in Aschaffenburg on Saturday morning.

The clearly drunk man had already driven 400 kilometers

Aschaffenburg - For the police officers in Aschaffenburg it was supposed to be just a routine check when they stopped an off-road vehicle on Saturday morning.

But the driver had a curious story ready for the officers, fortunately no people were harmed.

Bavaria: Police stop off-road vehicles - drivers clearly drunk

The off-road vehicle was noticed by the police in the vicinity of Aschaffenburg, as the vehicle on the front left side only drove on the rim.

In addition, the officers were able to identify several recent accident damage to the body of the car.

Since the driver of the off-road vehicle gave the impression of being drunk during the inspection, the police ordered a blood test from the driver in order to obtain an exact blood alcohol level.

Bavaria: Police control ends alcohol drive through the entire Free State

To the amazement of the officials, the 31-year-old driver said during the inspection that he had started his journey in Munich.

Depending on the route chosen, this corresponds to a distance of 350 to 400 kilometers.

After the blood sample was taken, the man who, according to a police spokesman, was "clearly intoxicated" was allowed to leave the police station.

His off-road vehicle was towed away.

Since the officers do not know where the drunk man had accidents, they are now looking for witnesses.

(fd / dpa)

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