The Limited Times

Söder wants to involve Merkel in the decision about the candidacy for chancellor

4/3/2021, 10:16:39 PM

"A Union candidate can hardly be successful without the support of Angela Merkel." Enlarge image Merkel, Söder (in July 2020 at the Chiemsee): Chancellor and heir to the throne? Photo: Peter Kneffel / dpa CSU boss Markus Söder also wants to include Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the decision on the future candidate for chancellor of the Union. Söder told “Bild am Sonntag”: “The decision on the candidate for chancellor should also be coordinated closely with Angela Merkel. B

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Merkel, Söder (in July 2020 at the Chiemsee): Chancellor and heir to the throne?

Photo: Peter Kneffel / dpa

CSU boss Markus Söder also wants to include Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the decision on the future candidate for chancellor of the Union.

Söder told “Bild am Sonntag”: “The decision on the candidate for chancellor should also be coordinated closely with Angela Merkel.

Because it has to be a joint election campaign with the Chancellor.

A Union candidate can hardly be successful without the support of Angela Merkel. "

The statement must be understood as a clear tip against his rival, CDU boss Armin Laschet.

Between Merkel and Laschet, clear differences of opinion in corona policy had repeatedly and recently increasingly become apparent.

Söder, on the other hand, sees himself largely in line with the Chancellor in the fight against the virus.

For the decision on the candidate for chancellor, surveys also played a role, so Söder in the "BamS".

"They are an important yardstick for the acceptance of people and programs in the population." This must also be understood as a declaration of war: Laschet regularly scores worse than Söder in surveys.

"We have to think about what is best for Germany and the Union"

So far, Söder has not openly declared his interest in the candidacy for chancellor.

However, there are increasing indications that he is looking for a confrontation with Laschet.

The clarity of his statements in the "BamS" interview is remarkable.

Söder also finds - apparently - benevolent words for his rival: "As Prime Minister of the largest federal state, he does a great job." The CSU boss adds, however, that it is not a question of two people and their personal ambitions, " about the future of the Union and the entire country «.

The party leaders of the CDU and CSU should shoulder this responsibility together.

"We have to think about what is best for Germany and the Union."

"Short but consequent lockdown"

In terms of content, Söder again spoke out in favor of stricter corona measures.

"We should consider whether another short but consistent lockdown would not be the better way than a half-hearted and endless corona concept that has not really reduced the number of new infections," he said according to the newspaper report.

“Better to be short and consistent than long back and forth.

Surveys clearly show that the majority of the population would also prefer this. "

For this, "a uniform nationwide pandemic plan is needed instead of a patchwork quilt with unmanageable rules in the individual federal states," said the CSU boss according to "BamS".

On Saturday, the federal government also threatened the federal states with uniform corona rules across Germany.

The vaccine from AstraZeneca should be completely released, so Söder.

“There must be no vaccine left.

If you want to, you should be able to get vaccinated after consulting your family doctor. ”He too would“ of course ”be vaccinated with AstraZeneca.
