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There are other surprises near the escapees: this is how you can make easy sweets at home - Walla! Food

4/3/2021, 9:10:27 AM

Looking for cookies and sweets to fund it? The sweetest holiday on the calendar requires a lot of work, but there are some recipes that will help you

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  • The art of cooking

There are other surprises near the escapees: this is how you can make easy sweets to finance at home

The sweetest holiday on the calendar requires quite a bit of preparation work, but we have some winning recipes to help you along the way


  • Funded

  • Sweets

  • Escaped

  • cookies



Friday, 02 April 2021, 06:00 Updated: 07:22

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Preparation of a refuge for Maimonides (Dror Einav)

We have no need or desire to return to last year's funded "celebrations."

The sweetest day on the calendar had to lower its profile because of the corona and closures, and countless crowded dining tables across the country were folded even before the first defeat.


We pushed too.

To the delicious Instagram page of Walla!


2021, however, is already writing a different story.

The corona is still here, but the general feeling in the air is completely different, almost completely springy (if one does not take into account the strange weather) and optimistic accordingly (if one does not take into account the stuck political situation).

We already have winning recipes for muffleta, including one simple and quick, one with explanatory photos of Yonit Zuckerman and one of a Moroccan mama.

Let us also move on to the other sweet trays, the ones that are sometimes neglected in favor of the "Queen Mother", unjustly.

In short, get four huge Maimona stars that do not require too much effort, and sweep a lot of compliments.

enjoy your meal!

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To the full article

Nut and date cookies with chocolate coating

Nut cookies and dates in a chocolate coating (Photo: Liron Moldovan)

The cook Colette Ben Naim from Netivot agreed to show us five years ago how she makes nut and date cookies with chocolate, which also decorate the holiday table with her funding.

The process is simple to tears (laughter), and includes only four ingredients that you should already have at home, and a few more short minutes of preparation.

The result, however, is dramatic and seductive.

Just like this holiday.

For the recipe, nut and date cookies with a chocolate coating

Gluten-free coconut cookies

Gluten-free coconut cookies (Photo: Liron Moldovan)

That year we took the opportunity and settled in Colette's house for another recipe - this time for flour-free coconut cookies that are suitable for serving during the holiday, and every other day on the calendar.

Here, too, the process was light and simple, the list of ingredients did not lengthen and the preparation stages allowed us to walk around the house and fish for compliments.

Between us, that's half our ambitions anyway.

For a gluten-free coconut cookie recipe

Dates stuffed with marzipan and nuts

Dates stuffed with marzipan and nuts (Photo: ShutterStock)

This candy, made from Bnei Saida's legendary Passover recipe book, usually gets very little publicity - unjustly.

True, the natural sweetness of the date and the classic nutty dance are more of a match and less of a recipe, but when the marzipan enters the picture, the whole business leaps to the dimensions of a real dessert.

For the recipe, dates are stuffed with marzipan and nuts

Gluten-free peanut cookies

Gluten-free peanut cookies (Photo: Liron Moldovan)

And finally, we remembered the colt, and its sweet peanut trap.

Very innocent looking, almost disrespectful after long days of industrial peanut cookie bliss, but so much better.

These cookies are gluten-free, sit great next to afternoon tea and offer a deep, sweet-bitter, handmade taste, like before.

For the gluten-free peanut cookie recipe

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