The Limited Times

"There are actually people who ...": Angry customer - Kaufland reacts and brings the product back

4/10/2021, 12:37:43 PM

When supermarkets take products out of their range, many customers are often annoyed. For a frustrated Kaufland customer from Chemnitz, there could now be a happy ending.

When supermarkets take products out of their range, many customers are often annoyed.

For a frustrated Kaufland customer from Chemnitz, there could now be a happy ending.

Munich / Chemnitz - Shopping can be a pleasure or a horror.

In any case, a customer from Chemnitz felt a lot of anger when she vented her frustration on Facebook.

Your reproach to the supermarket chain Kaufland: Certain products are being delisted, i.e. taken out of the range, and are no longer available.

In this case, it is specifically about a brand that has long been popular in Germany: Miracoli.

The customer begins her mail addressed to Kaufland (April 7, 2021) with an apparently ironic compliment.

"It's getting better and better to shop with you," she writes, and continues: "The absolute experience while you're always on the lookout."

Customer angry with Kaufland: "There are actually people who don't want to eat Kaufland's own brand"

She lists what she misses in the meantime: “Cut beans unlisted, Aachener Pflümli unlisted and today the coronation came ... Miracoli delisted!” She adds no less than five exclamation marks.

Then she explains the chain about her point of view: "There are actually people who do not want to eat the Kaufland own brand," she writes.

Also what must now follow in her opinion: she is no longer a customer of Kaufland.

"I draw my consistency, one customer less!"

Kaufland responded directly to their contribution.

"We are sorry that you no longer received certain products such as green beans or the Aachener Pflümli in your branch.

We can understand your displeasure about it. "

Kaufland reacts: Miracoli returns to the range

The market asks them to contact customer service directly.

has meanwhile asked Kaufland and received good news for the (former) customer: Miracoli is coming back.

“We will gradually add Miracoli products to our range again in the coming weeks,” says a representative.

So a happy ending for the customer?

Only she will be able to answer whether she is waiting to return until Aaachener Pflümli and cut beans also return.

An incident at the cash register made a Kaufland customer from Bremen cry.

Her photo and her complaint then made waves.

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