The Limited Times

Large adhesion of pharmacies on vaccines, available in 11 thousand

4/10/2021, 12:04:38 PM

There are 10,400 pharmacies, out of a total of about 18,000 members, and 600 municipal pharmacies for a total of 11,000 pharmacies that have given their support and willingness to administer the anti-Covid vaccine. (HANDLE)

There are 10,400 pharmacies, out of a total of about 18,000 members, and 600 municipal pharmacies for a total of 11,000 pharmacies that have given their support and willingness to administer the anti-Covid vaccine.

Federfarma communicates this, underlining that each of them will be able to administer on average between 15 and 20 vaccines per day thanks to the presence of 25,000 professionals suitably trained with the special course organized by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

"This means that thanks to the administration carried out in pharmacies, the number of daily vaccinations in Italy can quickly go from the current 250,000 to about 450,000", says the federation.

"I thank all the Italian pharmacies and the Federfarma territorial organizations for providing, despite the complexity of the current situation, a prompt and effective response to the country's need", comments the president of Federfarma national Marco Cossolo.

"A contribution that can further increase with the" Italian Pharmacy in PNRR "Project, developed by Federfarma and presented to Parliament and the Government. This project moves in line with the timing of the investments envisaged by the Next Generation EU and creates a competition of private capital to the extent of 3 euros for every public euro, activating a volume of investments equal to 2.3 billion euros over the three years ".

Cossolo also points out that "This is why the" Italian Pharmacy in PNRR "project appears capable of achieving a leap in the quality and quantity of health care services provided to citizens, through a reduced use of public capital".

And he concludes: "" We hope that this Project will be included in the definitive text of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

With the use of 500 million euros of public resources, investments of over 2 billion euros could in fact be made thanks to the contribution of private capital, with the result of guaranteeing a widespread strengthening of the National Health Service at the local level ". (ANSA) .