The Limited Times

Mike Horn arrives on RMC Découverte: "A unique opportunity to share my expeditions"

4/10/2021, 4:46:32 PM

EXCLUSIVE. The ex-survival coach of M6 joins the Altice group to recount his past travels in a documentary series based on his pro

“This is the end of our expedition.

We walked 70 kilometers in particularly trying conditions.

Pleasure is always for me.

Because I am at home.

Here are the last words of Mike Horn on television.

It was on M6, for the last number of "Cap Horn", with Bernard de La Villardière, broadcast at the end of 2018.

Since then, the extreme adventurer has continued his journey, stranded in the ice of the Arctic or aboard his sailboat the "Pangea".

In a few weeks, he will be back on RMC Découverte with “Mike Horn: Alone in the Face of the Impossible”, a documentary series on his incredible expeditions that the channel is co-producing.

Mike Horn on an expedition to the Amazon in April 1997. / DR  

Why join RMC Découverte?

Mike Horn.

Highlighting my expeditions, with this spirit of adventure, it's a dream.

A unique opportunity to share this, especially in times of Covid.

In thirty years of traveling, we have never really exploited all my images and talked about real exploration.

I couldn't do it on M6 with “The Island” or “In the Wild”, which are more entertainment.

There, we will come back to my preparation as well as to the psychological, physical and technical aspects with an educational aspect and 3D images.

We want to discover little-known places, encourage the preservation of nature and make viewers want to explore their little North Pole.

Anyone can make their dreams come true.

You switch from M6 to a more confidential channel ...

I could have continued on M6 to make reality shows.

With my daughters, we decided to quit because people saw me as an animator and no longer as an explorer.

It didn't look like me anymore.

I don't do TV to make money.

Besides, my first shows on M6, I had to be paid 1000 bucks



What matters: sharing what I have experienced.

On RMC Découverte, I am free.

There is less pressure.

I didn't hesitate for a second.

Amazonia, April 1997. “In thirty years of traveling, we have never really exploited all my images and talked about real exploration”.

/ DR  

After having been an emblematic figure of M6 from 2015 to 2018, you left by the back door ...

We left on good terms.

Looking back, "Cape Horn" was not my best idea.

It looked too much like “In the Wild”, the adaptation of the Bear Grylls format from which we wanted to move away.

I wanted to share my real expeditions, but we did not succeed.

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Have you had any other suggestions since?

We started a documentary with a production company in New York.

We also had discussions with National Geographic.

There is a track with Netflix.

After that, I like to stay small and do things that look like me.

I am just a badger who lives in Switzerland, who loves the mountains and walking in the jungle.


The life of Mike Horn, great adventurer of the extreme

How are you coping with this health crisis?

I try to keep my freedom while respecting people.

Me, I'm afraid of not living, not of dying.

Lately, we were on a boat north of Spalvard (Norway) where we recorded whale songs.

With the confinement and the end of the hunt, we realize that they are much less stressed.

We also took care of my YouTube channel.

I am especially sad for theaters, restaurants and small businesses that have to close.

People lack hope.

What are your next challenges?

Return to the Amazon to go up by pirogue a river of 1,800 kilometers hidden under the trees.

And then, off to Patagonia with my boat for the end of the year.