The Limited Times

Moscow, 'Berlin negotiates for Sputnik, 20 million doses since July'

4/10/2021, 3:16:32 PM

"For the entire European Union we have 50 million doses available. Germany has already started negotiations with us and we could supply 20 million doses between July and September. The rest could go to Italy and other countries". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 10 - "For the entire European Union we have 50 million doses available. Germany has already started negotiations with us and we could supply 20 million doses between July and September. The rest could go to Italy and to other nations ".

This was stated by Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Rdif, the Russian sovereign fund that produces the Sputnik vaccine, to the microphones of 'Quarta Repubblica', the Retequattro broadcast that will be broadcast on Monday evening.

    "The German Ministry of Health has announced that Germany has started a direct negotiation with us. There is an advanced purchase agreement: we had a video conference with them in recent days and we talked about the possibility of supplying them with the 20 million doses. between July and September, "said Dmitriev in the interview.

    "There is a good understanding with Italy, the Italian government and Prime Minister Draghi: they are very balanced", he added, recalling that Draghi said that "he wants Sputnik to be approved first by the EMA".

"I think many Italians understand why you are trying to attack Sputnik: there are big commercial interests trying to prevent this vaccine from being used in Italy and in Europe," he concluded.