The Limited Times

Moto: Honda announces, Marquez can return to competitions

4/10/2021, 4:37:32 PM

Very satisfactory clinical situation after the last medical examination (ANSA)  "Very satisfactory clinical situation", Marc Marquez "can return to competitions" : this is what Honda announced in a note released after the last check on the conditions of the multiple MotoGP world champion. The first opportunity to return to the garà will be at the Portuguese Grand Prix, scheduled for 18 April.   "In the visit carried out on Marquez by the medical team of the Ruber Internacio

 "Very satisfactory clinical situation",

Marc Marquez "can return to competitions"

: this is what Honda announced in a note released after the last check on the conditions of the multiple MotoGP world champion.

The first opportunity to return to the garà will be at the Portuguese Grand Prix, scheduled for 18 April. 

 "In the visit carried out on Marquez by the medical team of the Ruber Internacional Hospital, four months after the operation - the Honda note states - and led by doctors Samuel Antuña and Ignacio Roger de Oña, and also made up of doctors De Miguel, Ibarzabal and García Villanueva, for an infected pseudarthrosis of the right humerus, a very satisfactory clinical condition was found, with evident progress in the bone consolidation process. In the current situation - concludes the Japanese house - Marquez can return to competitions, assuming the reasonable risk implicit in his sporting activity ". 

"Next week in Portimao" in Portugal for the motorcycling grand prix, third round of the season.

The world champion is happy and announces his return to the race on the Honda by giving an appointment to fans and opponents in a few days.

"I am very happy, tweeted the Spanish champion. Yesterday I was visited by the doctors and they gave me the green light to return to competitions. It has been 9 difficult months, with moments of uncertainty and ups and downs, and now, finally, I will be able to enjoy my passion again! See you next week in Portimao. "