The Limited Times

Macau launches electronic consumer vouchers 5000 yuan per person plus 25% off discount daily limit of 400 yuan

4/12/2021, 5:22:52 AM

Hong Kong's "Budget" proposes to issue 5,000 yuan electronic consumer vouchers to every citizen. The government has selected four stored-value payment instruments to assist in the implementation. It is expected to accept registration this summer. The Macau government launched today (12th)

Social News

Written by: Kong Fanxu

2021-04-12 13:08

Last update date: 2021-04-12 13:09

Hong Kong's "Budget" proposes to issue 5,000 yuan electronic consumer vouchers to every citizen. The government has selected four stored-value payment instruments to assist in the implementation. It is expected to accept registration this summer.

The Macau government today (12th) launched an optimized plan for the "Electronic Consumption Discount Plan". Any permanent and non-permanent residents of Macau will be issued an activation fee of RMB 5,000 and an immediate deduction of RMB 3,000. Register as soon as possible next month and use it in June .

The daily limit of the activation fee is 300 yuan, and you can get a 25% discount on consumption, which means that you can enjoy a 100 yuan discount for the purchase of 400 yuan goods. After deducting the activation fee, it is equivalent to "free".

The Macau government today (12th) launched an optimization plan for the "Electronic Consumption Discount Program", which will issue an activation fee of RMB 5,000 and an immediate deduction of RMB 3,000 to any permanent and non-permanent residents of Macau.

(Profile picture)

The Macau government today announced an optimized plan for the "Electronic Consumer Concession Scheme". All permanent and non-permanent residents of Macau can register from next month and enjoy 5,000 yuan activation through one of the 8 "mobile payment" or "electronic consumer card" tools Gold and 3,000 yuan will be reduced for local consumption from June to December.

The Macau government today (12th) launched an optimization plan for the "Electronic Consumption Discount Program", which will issue an activation fee of RMB 5,000 and an immediate deduction of RMB 3,000 to any permanent and non-permanent residents of Macau.

(Photo of Macau Press Service)

Set a 3,000 yuan deduction

The 5,000 yuan start-up fee is capped at 300 yuan per day, and the 3,000 yuan deduction is a 25% discount (25% off) for stacking enjoyment. For example, residents who consume 400 yuan and use the registered tool to purchase can receive a 100 yuan deduction discount Discount, you can use the 300 yuan start-up gold to find the number.

The entire consumption reduction process is automated. On the receipt of the mobile payment or electronic consumer card, the record of each consumption and the remaining total are displayed, and residents do not need to calculate it themselves.

When the 5,000 yuan start-up fee is used up and there is a balance in the immediate deduction, residents can increase their own value and continue to enjoy a 25% discount, and there is no upper limit on use until the immediate deduction is used up.




You can pay by mobile phone or register with a consumer card

The authorities reminded that if you select an electronic consumer card to register, you must tap the card to add value during the specified period, but the balance in the card must be "cleared"; if you use a mobile phone to pay, the money will be automatically injected into the account at the beginning of the use period.

The preferential plan cannot be exchanged for cash, payment of utility bills, gaming venues, overseas travel services, medical services, banks, financial institutions, and pawnshops and other specific venues or uses stipulated by laws and regulations.

Residents who have never received last year's consumption card must first register to receive it. Residents who have lost their annual consumption card must report the loss to the police and then reissue it.

For minors, they will be picked up by their parents, and they can choose to transfer them to their parents’ mobile wallets, but they need to go to banks and payment institutions for verification, and they can also choose to use electronic consumer cards.

Secretary for Economy and Finance Li Weinong said that the plan is mainly to stimulate the local economy, first reduce the burden on residents, and then promote the economy of Macau. The estimated expenditure is about 5.88 billion yuan. "If you use a mosquito, the government will have subsidies." As for non-Macao residents, preferential treatment For the plan, the authorities will collect opinions before making a judgment.

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