The Limited Times

A postage stamp dedicated to the health professions has been issued

5/1/2021, 9:15:01 AM

The postage stamp dedicated to the health professions, belonging to the thematic series "Civic Sense", was issued today by the Ministry of Economic Development and was presented during a ceremony attended by Minister Gianca ... (ANSA)

  The postage stamp dedicated to the health professions, belonging to the thematic series "Civic Sense", was issued today by the Ministry of Economic Development and was presented during a ceremony attended by Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, the President of Poste Italiane. Maria Bianca Farina and the CEO of the Polygraphic Institute and State Mint Paolo Aielli, as well as the representatives of the social and health categories celebrated on the stamp.

    "Thanks to all of you for your participation and presence at this special occasion. The issue of the stamp in your honor - said Giorgetti - is a further recognition for what you have done and will continue to do on the front of this battle against the virus. ".

    "This stamp, moreover beautiful, made to last over time testifies - adds the minister - the dramatic historical phase we are experiencing but also everything that has been done in the fight against Covid. I am not referring only to the medical profile in the strict sense but also to the high civic sense shown, to the humane and comforting assistance that all, doctors, nurses and social health workers, have given to the sick with respect to something whose consequences were ignored.

    A thought and a sense of gratitude, of the Institutions and my staff, I also want to address them to those who are not present today and to the families of all those who have paid for the fight against Covid with their lives ".

    Symbolically representing all the workers and social and health workers, presidents and delegates of the national federations and councils, Filippo Anelli (FNOMCeO), Luciana Becherini (FNCF), Vincenzo D'Anna (ONB), Francesco Della Gatta (FNO TSRM PSTRP), Gaetana Ferri (FNOVI), Gianmario Gazzi (CNOAS), Andrea Mandelli (FOFI), Barbara Mangiacavalli (FNOPI), Saverio Proia (CNOP), Patrizia Proietti (FNOPO). 

An appeal by health professionals to institutions to go all ahead with vaccinations and one to citizens to continue to comply with the precautionary measures against Covid comes on the occasion of the issue of the stamp. "Taken aback by the pandemic, healthcare professionals have not pulled back and since the beginning of 2020 they have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and have always been close to everyone, even those who have not made it. But every profession has also lost tens, hundreds of colleagues who have contracted the virus to never leave the citizens alone. A little more than a year after the beginning of all this, and while the health professionals are still committed to the front line - from diagnosis and therapy, to assistance and access to drugs and devices,from research to psychological support, from assistance to women during the birth process, to the frail and their families, to guidance to safeguard health also with actions aimed at reducing the infection in the vaccination campaign - the Ministry of Economic Development has decided to testify to the their dedication with a stamp from the series 'the Civic sense' and to keep their work in memory ".

"The commitment of those who work for health protection is to treat and assist everyone, also preventing the spread of the virus as much as possible", declared the representatives of the more than 30 Federations representing more than 1.5 million professionals of Health.

A double appeal is therefore renewed: to institutions and citizens.

To institutions to give the greatest possible impetus to the vaccination campaign, streamlining decision-making processes, investing in the skills of all professionals and accelerating supplies and vaccinations to achieve community immunity as soon as possible.

To citizens, so that they respect the rules of common sense aimed at prevention without which the number of infections increases exponentially, despite the efforts. Finally, the professionals at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic are dedicating this stamp, which remembers them all, to those who with their attention and participation can help them stem and then stop the spread of the virus. "To defeat the virus everyone's collaboration is necessary and no one can escape".