The Limited Times

The Philippines records more than seven thousand new cases of Corona

5/3/2021, 3:12:23 PM

SANA-Capitals The Philippines recorded 7,255 new cases of the new Coronavirus during the past 24 hours, increasing the number of infections


The Philippines recorded 7,255 new cases of the new Coronavirus during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections in the country to one million and 62,225 cases.

According to the Philippine Ministry of Health, the number of deaths from the disease rose to 17,525 cases, after 94 new deaths were recorded.

In Romania, the number of injuries increased by 682 to one million 58,337, and deaths by 98 cases, to 28,380 deaths.

In Belgium, 2,128 new injuries were recorded, bringing the total to 995562, in addition to 33 new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 24,291.

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