The Limited Times

Israel's only Covid laboratory in Gaza destroyed by raid

5/19/2021, 8:44:32 PM

After the Israeli bombing that partially destroyed the al-Rimal clinic in the center of the homonymous city of Gaza, the only Covid-19 laboratory in the entire Strip is no longer able to conduct screening tests. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - GAZA, MAY 18 - After the Israeli bombing that partially destroyed the al-Rimal clinic, in the center of the homonymous city of Gaza, the only Covid-19 laboratory in the entire Strip is no longer able to conduct discreening tests . This was announced in a tweet by the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO). Israeli raids undermine the efforts of the Ministry of Health in the face of the Covid epidemic by not allowing them to follow people infected with the coronavirus and to continue the vaccination campaign, said Ashraf al-Qodra, a spokesman for the ministry. (HANDLE).