The Limited Times

Migrants: Meloni, does Lamorgese want to defend our borders?

5/22/2021, 5:50:49 PM

"65,000 migrants. According to government analyzes, this is the forecast of the landings that Italy may suffer in the coming months. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 19 - "65,000 migrants. According to government analyzes, this is the forecast of the landings that Italy will suffer in the next few months. Worrying numbers in view of a summer already devastated by curfews and restrictions, which would further discourage the arrival of tourists in our nation. Minister Lamorgese tell us immediately if he intends to defend national borders or condemn us to be the refugee camp of Europe ".

The president of Fratelli d'Italia, Giorgia Meloni, writes on Facebook.