The Limited Times

"Milestone" on the way to local heating in Wartenberg

5/23/2021, 1:20:40 PM

The Wartenberg market town has big plans with the establishment of a local heating network. A district manager will be hired for the coming year.

The Wartenberg market town has big plans with the establishment of a local heating network.

A district manager will be hired for the coming year.

Wartenberg - As Mayor Christian Pröbst (CSU) told our newspaper a few months ago, the network could extend over the west side of the Strogen to supply the entire district there.

As the market council has now decided in its meeting, a district manager will be hired for this purpose - due to the tense financial situation, however, as already reported, not until January 1, 2022.

The prerequisite for setting up the network is a district concept that the market has already commissioned from a company.

Independently of this, a manager can now also be commissioned to implement the tasks and goals on site.

According to the administration, the municipality would thus secure a maximum of 350,000 euros in additional funding for a maximum period of five years.

The store could hire an external service provider or hire a neighborhood manager itself.

In the latter case, the funding rate is 75 percent - the rest, around 17,500 euros per year, goes to the market.

However, four fifths of this could be brought in through third-party funding, for example from other people involved in the project.

Whether an externally or internally employed manager will be decided by the municipal council in a forthcoming meeting.

The applications are to be submitted soon and the call for tenders will follow later.

“It is not said that we will find someone,” said Pröbst.

Nina Hieronymus (CSU), among others, praised the fact that the community is already getting everything in motion: “I think it's good to plan ahead.

The whole thing also has a lead time.

Whether external or internal, we can see that later. "

“I'm very pleased,” said Dominik Rutz (Greens), who even recognized a “milestone” in the decision of the market council on the way to a heating concept.

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